Having a bad day

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Sorry but I'm having a bad day and I just need to let it out.  I woke up feeling like I've had no sleep and really down.  Mum's been bad this week - a lot of pain and, I think, sliding into depression - so I'm in overdrive on worrying about her.  My sister is with her today so I don't need to go round to see mum although I probably will drop round later.  I thought I would throw myself into cleaning the house so make myself busy and then I'd start to feel better.  My fatal mistake was asking my 18 year old daughter to help.  She had a major strop.  I tried to keep calm as I realise that she is worrying about my mum too but it was hard.  I tried to talk to her but she just got worse and worse so I gave up.  Then my husband made sarcastic comments about it all - again he is worrying and his mum is also not well - so I am still trying to keep a lid on it.  But I feel even worse now.  I'm now sitting on the sofa in my pyjama's watching old episodes of Grey's Anatomy without the will to do anything else.  I just keep crying and feel so very very sad. 

  • Sue lots of hugs to you. Have been thinking of you x 

    Always Remember the Precious Moments x

  • Sue, I've been thinking of you too.  Sending you hugs. X


  • Elenium/Jenny/sue and all who read

    Good to hear today was more settled than yesterday. Love the sound of yr gifts u r making (finger typing on phone) in weeny bed next to mums. Im the only one who stays but we do have Marie Curie tonight. I read her hospital discharge letter and it was horrendous reading after ct scan for the hernia - C now in lungs, liver, skeleton, bladder and on and on and on. How is she keeping going? Although earlier she said she wanted a new cd, im meant to know who, all she could remember was its two white english men doing reproductions (she means covers) i searched and searched, with asking questions, and bingo michael ball and alfie boe! Night night all. We cld put our loved ones together and take it in turns caring and supporting each other xxx sue, you have entered my unknown and its all new for you and still more trauma with the discord, i keep thinking of you and told mum  yr partner had passed, she sends you her love...  She is so kind even though she cant really stand now...mum knows ive got support on here and she thinks its marvellous. Re funeral arrangements, no doubt ive got that coming too with some arguments, although mum will still control her own funeral! Xx

    Always Remember the Precious Moments x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to maisiemae

    Maisiemae your Mum sounds to be of strong stuff! Amazing lady.

    Mum has cancer in lungs remaining kidney and skeleton. She can't really walk either ...

    You put it so well when you said Sue had entered your unknown. .I had thought similarly but not put it in to words.

    Mum unhappy with hospital bed. It's part foam part inflated. Has ridges in it. She was cross earlier. ..

    Just helped her in to bed after commode.

    She hugged me and said sorry for shouting. . I just thought she was grumpy...hadn't noticed a shout.

    She hates bed

    It does have huge bumps in it.

    Probably have to move old one back..


  • All our mum's amaze me.  They are tough old birds (don't really like that expression, but I think it fits).  

    I feel blessed to have found you three on here and it comforts me to know that you are here for me.  I keep saying this site is a godsend and it is.  The support I've had from you and everyone else is what keeps me going.  So thank you to everyone.  Feeling tired and emotional this morning - sorry.

    I wish we could all get together and look after our mums and each other.  Think how much our stress levels would go down knowing we have people we can actually rely on...

    That's it, on my way to work now and it's freezing outside and not all that warm on the train either.  :-(


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elenium

    They are.  Am sure I would have been throwing whatever I was strong enough to throw at people by now in their position.

    Mum in a right pickle this morning sheepskin on her neck jumper tied around that cross and shaking...brilliant...this bed and she appear to be at war. Her pillows are on top of her head..where to start? 

    The commode is full.

    Oh joy.

    Made us both tea before the onslaught. 

    Dad trying to sleep. 

    All three mums together and their carers too or it would be commode-aggedon! 

    Keep meaning to say new wheelchair v good so far it's a g-lite pro self propelled with stabilisers at rear. Much lighter to lift and turn.  Thought in case others are reading I'd add that. 

    I've hurt my side a bit. Mum offered to massage it. She's so ill it's so kind.  May let her massage my hand she can't manage more really but it might be a good thing.

    Hope work goes smoothly Elenium.


  • All of the four musketeers (as we are special and can be 4!), i do imagine us being together one day. I think maybe we have a picnic or something when we are again all 4 in the same position - no idea how or when that will be but im up for a tree hug as trees are strong and only sway when the wind blows them and all of us carers/daughters are an orchard. (Maybe my coffee was a bit strong)Xxx

    Always Remember the Precious Moments x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to maisiemae

    I want that coffee. ..

    Blimey mum just been showered by a 6 ft bloke.

    Bit of a shock!

  • I would really like us to meet up one day. Like you say, not sure when or where but something we should do.  

    How was your mum with the 6' carer Jenny?  I'm not sure how my mum would handle that???

    Work was ok.  Got a bit emotional when someone asked me how I was but OK after a few minutes.

    Got a horrible feeling that now the carers are coming in my eldest sister will stop going to mum's so much.  Mum was saying that to me last night.  I told her to speak to her.  She better tell mum if she is going to come less and not just not turn up!

    Consultant has upped mum's morphine tablets from today. Fingers crossed that it helps.

    I wish you all a good weekend, although I expect I'll be on here again.

    Hugs all round (especially for you Sue) X 


  • Surreal day taking some of mums furniture to charity to make room for all the stuff she needs - got more steroids which im hoping will allow her to eat as she is now bed bound and v weak. She loved seeing my dogs this afternoon and marie curie are here tonight so we will stay at hired cottage. She snapped at me this morning about putting biscuits in wrong place and i cried. She really said sorry. Bro and sis dont get that as they are rarely friggin well here!

    Always Remember the Precious Moments x