Having a bad day

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Sorry but I'm having a bad day and I just need to let it out.  I woke up feeling like I've had no sleep and really down.  Mum's been bad this week - a lot of pain and, I think, sliding into depression - so I'm in overdrive on worrying about her.  My sister is with her today so I don't need to go round to see mum although I probably will drop round later.  I thought I would throw myself into cleaning the house so make myself busy and then I'd start to feel better.  My fatal mistake was asking my 18 year old daughter to help.  She had a major strop.  I tried to keep calm as I realise that she is worrying about my mum too but it was hard.  I tried to talk to her but she just got worse and worse so I gave up.  Then my husband made sarcastic comments about it all - again he is worrying and his mum is also not well - so I am still trying to keep a lid on it.  But I feel even worse now.  I'm now sitting on the sofa in my pyjama's watching old episodes of Grey's Anatomy without the will to do anything else.  I just keep crying and feel so very very sad. 

  • You got that right covid and cancer it’s terrible atm 

    hope your friends are gonna be ok Ok hand it’s bad that all hospitals are not treating cancer at the minute I have a friend who is terminal and she as at the place I remember mom being at she is only middle 60s. And been fighting it a few years and I fear the she as fought all she can so sad 

    my lymphedema I have not even seen any one yet because of the covid it’s only support socks no medical intervention at all I don’t think Thinking x

  • My friend has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and told she's got 6 months. I cant take it in. 


  • To my old friends. Eleniun and Jenny with whom im now life long friends. To bobbles? Sue and yantibee. All the other friends along the way. Was thinking of you today x

    Always Remember the Precious Moments x

  • Hi every one great to here from u hope every one is ok I lost my dad in august and it’s 3 years Monday that mom passed away time sure does fly hope every one is ok much love x

  • I'm back on here as I now have another friend with terminal cancer. I've lost count of the people I've lost since mum died. All of them, except one, have been because of cancer.

    I'm not doing very well today.  I just want to sit and stare into space.

    I'm not really telling people how I feel as I feel like they're thinking "oh God, not again!" Well maybe not quite that unfeeling but along those lines. 

    I want to talk about it but I don't want to.

    Wish cancer would just fuck off. 


  • Hi elenium sorry you feeling like that it’s so sad glad you have come back here so we can carry on with the rants . I had a shock my 57 year old cousin went in hospital with a head wound and he died not through the head is bowel stopped working . I know what you mean about people thinking that I don’t tell people either be kind to your self x 

  • Hi Michelley,

    That's awful. I'm so sorry. 

    My friend's not been well for a while and we didn't think it was anything too serious but then she had tests and it turns out that it is.

    They've offered her some treatment but it won't make much of a difference.  She told me at the weekend that she might not even have it. 

    I can't help her and I don't want to go through this again. For once everything was going well and now it's all turned to shit again. 

    It's so bloody awful.


  • I know life does throw shit sometimes we have the funeral on the 18th of July i hope your friend is ok they told my cousin he was dying and it would be soon I just kept thinking how do you deal with knowing that ! X 

  • It's terrible. 

    My friend has an appointment Wednesday to see if she's can have radiotherapy.  Hoping she can. 



  • I hope she can to will keep my fingers crossed for you both I honestly don’t know have people deal with knowing this and excepting it do you x