Winter Picture Festival 2023 - Share Your Photos Now!

  • 37 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Season's greetings, one and all!

In case you hadn't noticed, the seasons have changed once again. It's the time of year when you can see your breath as you talk, and car windscreens need to be defrosted. The vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows have disappeared from the trees, and now just their spindly branches remain. Perhaps most telling of all, it is the moment I finally concede that wearing shorts is no longer a viable option for the year. The arrival of winter also means that the Winter Picture Festival 2023 thread is now open!

We'd love to see any winter-themed photos you've taken so far. Shots of adorable pets, creative winter crafts, and inspiring natural scenes are all very welcome. They don't have to be anything grand or visually-arresting, either. Anything that generates even the smallest spark of joy is worth sharing. For a little inspiration, here are some great pictures from last year's thread:



  • Share your winter-themed pictures by posting a new reply to this thread, then use the 'Insert Image' tool to attach your picture:

  • Use the “Reaction” buttons below each post to let us and other members know which photos you've enjoyed the most

  • We'll be sharing the highlights in a Community News blog early in the new year!

Don't forget this is a public forum so anyone with an internet connection can see it. To ensure your privacy and safety, avoid sharing pictures which could indicate where you live (such as decorations on the front of your house, house numbers/names, road signs etc). Please also be mindful of other people's privacy by making sure you don't include family members, children, or any members of the public.

We can't wait to see your entries this year. There's no need to limit yourself to just one submission either, so get snapping! Camera with flashEvergreen treeSnowman2