A weekend of extreme eating and extreme watersports!

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  • 6 subscribers

Hi All,

An update that will hopefully uplift those recently diagnosed,  going through treatment, or in recovery! I'm now almost 9 months after my last RT session and 12-months post surgery.

One year ago, we'd cancelled a planned trip for my husband's 50th birthday as I was scheduled for a tonsillectomy ... 1 week later I had my diagnosis of (P16+) cancer in left tonsil. Last summer and much of autumn was a bit pants; focused on treatment, recovery and learning to eat again.

I rebooked the birthday weekend for the weekend just gone (Martin's birthday was coronation day!) and packed in as much as we'd planned pre-cancer diagnosis. Life goes on, recovery is tough, but the human body & spirit are incredible.

Thinking back on the sleepless nights, the pain, the worry, daily trips to the hospital, the not eating, the hard road to recovery .... sometimes I admit I felt a bit defeated and hopeless; not for long though as it's not in my nature to wallow, I'm definitely glass half full and I'm a fighter. 

I knew I was going to get through it and feel better. I was right. If you'd told me last August/September (when I was nauseous, spitting phlegm up every 5 mins and in horrible pain) that I'd be white water rafting and eating an eight-course menu I'd have raised an eyebrow or two! But I did it and I enjoyed every moment and mouthful!

If you're at the start of your journey, don't despair - set your sights on 1 year from now and be prepared to surprise yourself!

Helen x

P.s. We're sitting at the front!

  • Hi HMS thank you for sharing your very inspirational and truly supportive post. It is so good to hear how positive that you are and it will be good for others to hear this as well,  so thank you for sharing..x


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  • Hi Gail - I'm really glad this helps. I know from my early days, just after diagnosis, I was looking for positive stories to boost me and while this forum is invaluable for sharing our concerns and tips for treatment and recovery; it's also crucial to have some good news stories. Positive thinking gets us a long way!

    Take care, Helen x