So loving this forum, my Christmas Robin

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  • 7 subscribers

Here is a picture of a robin that I took a couple of years ago. 
We have one like this in our garden, who soon let’s us know if he needs food.

I live in a village and our doctors surgery is very close, just a couple of minutes walk away. The last time I went for a blood test, our little robin followed me and waited until I came home and flew back with me. It was lovely.

Hope everyone on the forum managed to enjoy Christmas ….let’s hope that 2023 brings new treatments and fresh hope.

Love to everyone,

Jules x

PS A big shout out to everyone at macmillan for their support and resources xx

  • Hi Jules,How lovely to have the robin to accompany you to the surgery.Mine arrive when I call them and follow me around the garden.They make me happy.Love Jane xxx

  • Thank you Jane, yes they are lovely and  a real tonic. Hope you had a good Christmas and new year. Love Jules xx

  • Lovely photo. Robins are such characters 


  • Thank you, yes they are real characters x 

    This is such a lovely positive forum Blush xx

  • How lovely Jules to have the robin along with you on your journey to the surgery.  They're such reliable birds methinks.  I see them everytime I'm on my alottment as you can imagine.  I think I usedSmile to romanticise them til someone told me they are bullies in the bird world!  I'm still nice to them but at least it explains why there's always just one on its own! Smile

  •  They defend their territory until the spring when they then have a change of personality and share for the breeding season. Once the nest is empty they go back to their solitary ways. We had  them nesting in our back garden and they attacked our Bengal. Ha ha. He didn’t know what to do with himself. Male and female both have a red breast. 
    Interesting creatures they are. Mine follow me around waiting for me to do a little garden allowing them an easy meal. I’ve one at the front and I’ve at the back. 


  • Thank Ann for the info about all our  robins. I can see how defending your territory can be interpreted as bullying.  I've never seen them near other birds to be honest so I'm glad it's not true about them bullying. They know it's autumn and winter so they know we're going to be digging so they're going to be there of course- early birds and all that!

    Wow your poor cat, hope he got off unscathed hon. My poor sprouts never made the Christmas dinner table as they remain tiddly. Cavelo Nero kale and now chard is good, onions are showing their green shoots and I've now got quite a few garlic cloves to put in having over-ordered!  I planted Christmas roses which look lovely and have obtained some free shrubs to use as wind breaks and more natural plot edging.  Xxx

  • I love hearing your enthusiasm about your produce and you were able to provide Christmas lunch

    It reminds me how I was with my art. But my work didn’t really feed the family I felt it superficial in the end. 
    oh Robins are bullies they own their territory.
    Ha ha what with their chirping and the black birds clicking and dive bombing Hugo I felt so stressed I played an audio of a raptor! Full blast Did it work oh no chance they only shut up when I played it so I had a choice sit in the garden with a raptor or clicking blackbirds diving at us and robins squealing. The doves are the best they sit in our magnolia and coo and Hugo doesn’t worry them  

    Oh roll on the better weather 
