First chemo round and feeling rough

  • 3 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Gawd this is harder than I expected. Feeling awful. Does it get easier? First round of six under my belt. Words of encouragement gratefully received Sob

  • Hi Dizzysheep,

    I went through chemotherapy for endometrial cancer in 2022.

    I found that however much you are expecting to have the side effects, its not until you experience them that you realise how it can actually make you feel. I think the first one is the worst as you don't know quite what to expect and there is the emotional aspect too. My chemo was done on a 3 week cycle and it was the first few days that I would feel rough and then it would get better. 

    I found it best to go with the flow really. I spent a few days dozing on and off on the sofa and didn't try to do much more. Eating little and often helped me and keeping up with fluids. Listen to your body and if it is telling you to rest, then rest. You should have been given a 24 hour help line for your hospital and it is worth calling them as with most side effects they can offer medication/support. Sometimes just having them say that something was a normal side effect for the regime I was on and that it usually passed in a couple of days was reassuring. if you feel really unwell then they can assess you over the phone and call you in if you need to be checked. 

    For me, after the first few days, I did start to feel better. With each cycle there was a similar pattern with fatigue building up each time. You will have a review within each cycle and it helps if you write down how you are feeling each day and if necessary doses can be adjusted and other medication put in. I found having my steroids put on a tapering dose had a big impact. 

    I hope that you will feel over the worst of it soon. It does normally get better, so hang in there. For me it was the first week after the first chemo when I felt the worst. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying Jane. I'm receiving chemo for 3 days and today us my 3rd day chemo free. Oh lordy have I felt rough. You're right you just can't prepare for it. My rounds will be every 2 weeks and I've a consultant checkup tomorrow. I'm so hoping things will level out a bit.


  • Hi

    This is second time around for me.  I have good days and bad days.

    All you can do is go with the flow. I will say at this time of year the weather doesn't help!  I would go for a walk around my block if the weather was good.  As it is, I'm only going outside when I have to!

    I try walking around the house to get a bit more energy.
