Picc line

  • 6 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Having a picc line fitted tomorrow. Got a few questions so would be very grateful for any information or advice. Do you normally have a cover over it when not in use. Does hospital supply plus waterproof for shower. Can a district nurse flush it rather than go to hospital. Thank you


  • Hi  I had a PICC line for my first 6 cycles of Chemo.

    There are various PICC line covers waterproof and daily coverings available online - try Amazon…… but your hospital may give you a cover. Many hospitals will just cover up the line with stretchy  tube material.

    My daughter was great in the sowing machine so she made one with poppers so it was easy to put on and off during treatment.

    As for showers I just used cling film- simple and very effective Wink

    The hospital always flushed my line on the days of treatment but during the non treatment weeks the District Nurse Team did come in weekly to flush the line……

    But I will say that some of the DN team were not confident doing the flush and often were not able to do it properly so 30% of the time the nurse phoned the ward and I had to go up for the ward to do it and it was done in seconds.

    All the best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you very much for your detailed reply. I'll see what happens tomorrow if they give me any covers. Stretchy tube material sounds good. Your daughter sounds a whizz on sewing machine. Poppers ideal like you say. Do you need loose clothing over it? 

    Thank you


  • Hi again  during treatment I always had short sleeves with a fleece over your shoulders...... you could have a cardigin, shawl or small blanket...... these treatment rooms can be on the cool side due to the aircon.

    I was in hospital for 6 days/5 nights for my 6 cycles so was connected to my 2 IV pumps 24/7 for over 120hrs.... but with help from the nurse team I was able to change my T shirt am and pm by them putting the chemo bags back through the T shirt sleeve along with my are and doing the opposite when putting a new T shirt on.

    When not on treatment you can wear what you want over the covered PICC.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Fantastic thank you. Appreciate your replies. 


  • Hi   I think it’s pot luck as to which hospital you go to! I didn’t get given a waterproof sleeve for the shower so ordered mine on Amazon. I started off covering it with a sleeve but they always fell down and got on my nerves. The nurses all said if I’ve got a jumper on then I don’t need to worry, plus side of doing chemo in the winter! At night I would just use the bandage tube you get from the chemo ward.

    as for the line flush, I don’t know if district nurse can do it or not, I always went to the chemo unit but was never there for too long so isn’t too bad.  

    good luck with your treatment!

  • Thank you for your reply very helpful. Luckily we don't live far from the hospital but if a district nurse could come out it saves my husband having to drive me there. Will hopefully get information this morning and if necessary I can get things off Amazon.
