Hair loss tips anyone?

  • 15 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I'm new to this group and am currently waiting to have my first lot of Chemotherapy (Paclitaxel and Carboplantin) after having a Hysterectomy early December for Endometrial cancer.

I'm trying to stay positive by planning ahead and looking at different ways to keep my spirits up (as well as the very scary research into the serious stuff) I know I'm going to lose my hair so although I'm dreading it, I'm trying to see the positives too. I've wanted to stop dying my hair for a long time and have been stuck with the same hair style for the last 10 years! Not to appear flippant you understand; I know everyone deals with trauma (and it is traumatic!) in different ways, humour and a touch of stoicism seems to work for me at the moment.

I've been told I can get a voucher for a free wig & fitting and am looking forward to going to a 'Look good feel good' session when the time is right.

I'd be really grateful to hear how other forum members have dealt with hair loss, wigs, scarves etc and any tips and hints would be most welcome. 

The odd funny story wouldn't go amiss!

Love Tracey Slight smile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to OscarTheCatgotmehere

    Hi OscarTheCatgotmehere

    Love it!

    I got my wig 2 weeks ago.. the box says she's called Evanna but I've named her Nikita after the lovely Hairstylist who cut my hair in prep for the big 'disappearance'

    I think with names like that my alter ego is going to be a Russian Spy ha ha!

    Tracey x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yeah what a great idea to donate that 

    I've been under chemo for so long 

    I have named my wig mellisa in order to remember mellisa camp with was a fighter 

    It's nice to tryy some new hairstyle or hair colores 

    wish u the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yesterday it finally started happening... My hairs coming out but not in big clumps thank goodness... I have a great partner who using his clippers took it down to three quarters of an inch... Most people have said it really suits me to have it short and I've got a new nickname from him too.... 

    The only thing is my scalp feels really tender/sore... was wondering if any of you have any tips to counteract the pain...

  • Hi Jayniew

    My hair went very quickly too...and I resorted to clippers. The soreness didn't last long...perhaps a week. I didn't find anything that made a difference..perhaps paracetomol before bed. But it shouldn't last long.

    Keep strong

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Tracey, sounds like you’re on top of things! On Amazon I got some soft cotton beanies that I wear indoors, as the chemo has left me feeling cold. I see the consultant on weds morning to hear the result of ct scan, then start Avastin, on its own in the afternoon.

    All the best to you too.

    Jifftiff x