Alternative meds

  • 3 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Anybody using alternative meds with any success? I am using hi dose vita C, Mistletoe, Ivermectin, Turkey tail, and vitamins like amino acids, magnesium, k2 and D, cod oil capsules, and fenenzad. Has any one used any of these and found they improved their quality of life?  Also I have lost 80 lbs in 2 1/2 yrs. Has anyone else dropped huge weight.

  • Hi  I have been on my cancer journey with two very rare types of rare, one incurable Lymphomas for over 25 years and never used any alternative meds....... my consultant was very clear that I had to pass anything that I wanted to take past them as many herbal remedies can cause interactions with cancer treatment, so it is best to check with them beforehand, to ensure it is safe for you to take them.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • My husband (with stage 4 melanoma of lungs) takes loads of good quality supplements (and now homeopathics) and was ,until the cancer treatment, very fit and healthy. He chooses high quality supplements rather than off the shelf versions and prescribes them himself as he is a trained in their use and also in consultation with his colleague. His oncology team know and whilst they don't take any responsibilty for them of course, they are not concerned.

    All in all, I would say, that anything is worth a try if it makes you feel better and adds to your quality of life. But I would do it in consultation with a Nurtritionist or similar professional to avoid, as far as possible, wasting time, money and energy.

    Good luck

  • I agree.  I run everything by my oncologist. There are things that he agrees are beneficial but he can't prescribe it.  I take a high dose Vita C once a week,  It can hurt.  I also take a lot of amino acids to help maintain some weight and strength.  Since My appetite is not very good, I feel the amminos help.  I also take ivermectin 3 times a day.  I have been fighting RCC metastasis for 32 months now.  It is looking like I may have to find a different treatment.  I am on the second line of defense and it is starting to attack my colon.