Do you have any tips, suggestions or adapted recipes that you'd like to share?

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  • 7 subscribers

Hi everyone,

We’re posting today to ask if you’d like to share your tips and suggestions for how to cope with eating at holiday celebrations for our Community news blog.

Towards the end of the year there can be lots of celebrations and parties, including plans to see family and friends, which often involve eating.

When you’re dealing with symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment, eating at mealtimes may look different than it did before. Everyone is different and we understand that for some people, you may feel uncomfortable about meal times with loved ones.

Eating may now look different to those around you. Getting the right nutrition for your body means you no longer eat in the same way as you used to. It might mean that you’re no longer able to enjoy some of the foods you’d usually eat around this time of year.

Do you have adapted recipes of your holiday favourites?

Do you have suggestions of food that you’ve recently discovered and are l looking forward to trying this holiday season?

Do you have any tips on coping with richer foods whilst experiencing treatment, or how you like to still be included if you’re not eating in the same way as your loved ones?

We’d love to hear from you and I’m sure members of the Community would appreciate hearing how you cope with eating during holiday celebrations.

If you’d like to share your tips and suggestions, please post in in this thread or email if you’d like to share.

Thank you and we look forward to reading your posts. 
Macmillan's Online Community team