Womb cancer and Provera

  • 4 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi. My 73 year old mum has been diagnosed with Grade 1, stage 4 womb cancer which has spread to groin and pan aoertic lymph nodes. She currently has a DVT clot in leg and lung having been in hospital for 11weeks following a fall - the cancer was identified when she had a CT scan to check for injury. Currently she is deemed unfit for surgery but they are not even considering this, nor radiotherapy which they are “holding in reserve”. So she is just on 2 x 10mg Provera. Despite being grade 1 they were extremely pessimistic (“many months rather than many years”) which has really scared us (some of you might have seen a discussion I have on another thread for which I thank all the lovely ladies for their replies in supporting me through this).  However, just seen this group specifically about treatments and wondered if anyone had experience of a Provera to share please as a hormonal drug alone just doesn’t feel enough compared to surgery, chemo, radiotherapy etc. Any help, hope would be much appreciated. Thank you x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there. As I haven’t had any replies to this just reposting in case it was missed amongst all the recent hacking. Really really hope someone has some experience of Provera as I am really panicking that it doesn’t seem enough amongst ops, radiotherapy, chemo etc. seen on the other posts. Haven’t had chance to follow up with oncologist as days have been taken with district nurses, TADs and lots more things to do with Mum’s other issues plus my own injury redressing and calls with work.  Days just go by in a bit of a blur. Anyway hoping someone can share some insight into this drug    in this regard. Thank you xx

  • Hi, have you tried asking about this in the Womb Cancer group? Maybe someone there has knowledge of this. Or maybe in the Ask An Expert - Ask a Nurse section.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LittleRunner

    Hi there. Yes did try womb cancer group without joy but have just asked a nurse as per your suggestion - thank you! 

  • FormerMember

    Hello SPu,

    I know you wrote 3 yrs ago, and what made me write is that I had exactly the same stage as your mums. I was diagnosed June 2020 started with massive heavy bleeding, ended up in hospital. Had test staying that I will be having surgery, however mri/ctscan results showed with no option than just a chemo. I having my last chemo next week and I have no idea for my future. I have appointment with Oncologist tomorrow and I’m so scared by the thoughts of future. Would you able to share your experience please. Thank you