BCC removal advice please

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Hi everyone. Please can someone help me. I'm feeling so low and worried. I know it isn't so serious as others have it but i need to please chat with anyone who has had BCC removal on their nose. It isn't MOHs procedure or skin graph, it was cut away from the side of my nose with quite a long cut. Surgery was done 3 weeks ago and stitches just recently removed but now there's a hole that is taking very long to heal and I'm so worried that it won't close up. I also had one taken from my arm which was bigger but that seems to be healing nicely. I live in Portugal now and the procedure they use is  different. My first BCC was 5 years ago removed in UK,  MOHs procedure on my knee. I just feel like this hole will never close and it looks awful. I am going every second day to the nurse for dressing change, the nurses don't seem to be worried and say it is big but it's dry and will heal in time. Please can anyone tell me if this is normal and will it actually close up, do i need to ask to see a doctor or the dermatologist asap? Anyone please?