Frightened of mastectomy surgery

  • 5 replies
  • 2 subscribers

Hi got my date through for my mastectomy op, it’s two week away. I’m sick at the thought of it. I’m petrified. Of hospital of going under of waking of not waking of pain of not being with my husband etc. I’m a wreck even considering not having it done as I feel so petrified 

  • Hi lady-tinkerbell welcome to the forum. Now breathe!!!!!!!! It is perfectly ok to feel a bit scared, we all do, some more than others.

    Speak to the anaesthetist and your team and they can give you stats that will, re-assure you about all that you are thinking. Pain after an op is to be expected but they will have given you something in the anaesthetic to make sure that the pain you have is minimised for when you wake up and wake up you will. Your husband cant be with you in theatre but I feel sure that he will be there waiting for you when you come back from theatre.

    It is a scarey time for you but you will get through this and come out the other side .

    Meantime Im sending some huge big hugs your way for now. xxxxxxxx


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi lovely

    thank you so much for your kind words. Today has not been great I ended up going to the dr for some anti anxiety medicine. I just need to google what they have given me. Thank you for the encouragement I really needed it xxxxx

    Tinker bell xx
  • Hi, I had my mastectomy in June and I was of course worried but was so surprised after surgery how little pain I had.  My biggest surprise was going home  less than 24 hrs after, very tired but feeling fine.  4 mths later  getting on with life and taking anastrozole. I'm getting some side effects but nothing  horrendous. You will get through this as if like me  it will be nowhere as bad as you imagine . 

    Gentle hugs xxx pipsqueak

  • Aww that’s reassuring to hear thank you. 

    I am such a wimp xxx

    Tinker bell xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pisqueak

    Hi, new to the site and the forum.

    Your message regarding a mastectomy last June has lifted my spirits.  I had a right breast mastectomy and 6 lymph nodes taken on 11th February, day case surgery and home by 9.00pm.  The bruising and swelling were horrendous and y right arm was also swollen.  But nearly 4 weeks later, I am going out and about (slow but sure), walking my dog with my neighbour and at the weekend I did some very light gardening and seed planting.  I'm cleaning my house and friends and family say I look great!  Of course there are some very dark days but I carry on, dust myself off xxxx