After Effects and coping with it

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  • 1 subscriber

 I had surgery this time last year and finished chemo approx 5 months ago,still struggling with the after effects like fatigue and joint pain and also tingling/knumbness in hands and feet, had physio and getting reflexology but still struggling ,I lost my job due to health issues.. Any advice would be appreciated thanks Thumbsup

  • First off, sounds like disability discrimination re your losing your job. It's now covered by  the Equalities  act but still means in effect you can't be sacked for such a reason. You could follow this up if you wanted to. The helpline will have more info on it 0808 808 0000, 8am to 8pm and can also give advice more generally re financial issues

    .You're doing the right thing in terms of dealing with the after effects. ,eg complementary  therapy can be very beneficial n relaxing. Have you asked your GP re meds for any of the other symptoms or you could post the question to " Ask a nurse" on here.

    As for fatigue, you might find it useful to  pace yourself, ie if you have a busy/ stressful day, the next day aim to chill. Not  too much  for too many days on the trot. Been there, got the t shirt!

    Btw, you might want to post this in  the Life after cancer group too.You may get more response/ support there  x

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember


    I'm very sorry to hear of everything you are experiencing since finishing Chemo and if  does not mind I'd like to elaborate on her excellent advice and give you some links that might be helpful to you

    Macmillan Support Line Services

    Macmillans Support down your way

    Maggies have centres dotted around the country and if you are fortune enough to have one near to you they can be of immense help with their support groups

    You can ask questions on medical issues to our Ask a Nurse page, you will however appreciate that they can't diagnose problems on line but they can give you advice, please allow two days for an answer

    Ask an Information and Support Adviser group page, they can give you advice on many topics.

    Life after cancer forum Group where you can meet people who are the same as you

    You can order a printed copy or download this

    Life after Cancer

    Get advice here

    How can we help you a financial tool

    Legal Rights work and cancer

    You can order a printed copy or download this

    Coping with Fatigue and Tiredness

    You can download this

    Relax and Breathe

    I do appreciate that I've given you information overload but I hope that you find the links of interest do have a look at them and ask questions or obtain printed copies of the booklets and information or download them if you prefer.

    But you can't beat a good old natter with others and here as part of the online community or as I call it the Mac family you can come into any of the groups and have a Cancer chat forum with your fellow members, share your experiences with others and they will share theirs, you can start your own discussions or simply join into the current one, everyone you will meet will be very friendly and they are extremely supportive towards each other and will give you help and advice but there's more (isn't there always!) if you're feeling down and low and need to have a moan about life, let off steam or just have a rant or rave the Mcmillans groups are you place to come to where you never will be judged as I mentioned earlier we are just a big happy family that look out for each other.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on and I look forward to seeing you in some of the groups in the near future.

    Kind regards 


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