After surviving treatment for tonsil cancer in 2015 I now have been told I need some surgery to replaced my diseased jaw so just looking for advice.

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My treatment which was basically chemotherapy and chemo radiation went well but the radiotherapy caused damage to my gums leaving an area of the jawbone exposed. This has never healed,

Following my cancer treatment  my mouth was very uncomfortable for nearly 12 months and eating a problem as I I kept getting ulcers in the areas of my tongue and mouth where they had taken biopsies.  Actually I didn’t eat,  just kept my feeding tube in until I managed to start trying foods in February 2017. Since then my diet has been limited to soft wet mushy meals which are boring and so not  particularly motivating. The dry mouth ( chemotherapy) poor swallowing function, regular mouth infections and inability to chew ( 7 teeth removed prior to radiotherapy )  have all contributed to a total lack of interest in eating.

i have been very careful with mouth hygiene and see my dentist regularly and he is supportive in ensuring my teeth and gums are as healthy as possible, although he too has been concerned about the exposed jawbone.

My specialist who has been truly marvellous in looking after me  has now confirmed i need surgery to replace a part of my lower left jawbone with bone from my Fibia. This has come as a rude awakening,having finally claimed back my life, I am a little concerned about the idea of becoming a hospital patient once again and going through the pain barrier of  rehabilitation. 

Is anyone else about to go through this or have just gone through a similar operation.

Please don’t think I am complaining  about my diagnosis. Lots of people have health issues  a lot worse than me and I am grateful that I have survived so far and am able to walk my dogs, do my garden go on holiday and see my family getting on with their lives. I am just apprehensive about my personal ability to go through this and come out smiling.

Hoping I get some replies.

  • Hello and welcome to the community. Sorry to hear you may need further surgery, but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. This surgery group is very general and usually quiet, so you may not get an answer to your question here. Could I point you to a more active group where people may have experience of this, Head and Neck Group . Click the link to get to the group. It may be an idea to copy and paste your above post in the group. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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