
  • 3572 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hello everyone,

the title says it all, this is a thread for everyone at any and all hours of day and night, to post, help, laugh, cry and anything in between. There will be no nasty posts, everyone who joins in will be gentle, considerate and kind to everyone else. Hugs to all......xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I love his books,brother buys them then when him & sister in law have read them i get them,my favourite book so far was wiered sisters


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ah so I was right, I saw the picture and thought that looks like the cover of a Magnum LP.   Not my sort of music - but I had a boyfriend who was heavily into Prog Rock.  I prefer the sort of Magnum that is covered with chocolate.  

    Margaret  x

  • Oooooh, yes, Margaret, I'm with you there! Frozen Magnums, that's just right! (check in the freezer, think the faeries bought a pack!) 

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Actually Moomy, 

    It is a bulk buying pack from Costco that I put in the other night.  Everyone is welcome to have one, as long as they eat it in the prescribe technique.


  • Evening all! I've just popped in for a nightcap and natter, budge up on the settee. Aah, a nice big mug of Snorlicks and a biccie. I'll bring another pack tomorrow, any preferences?  George, is that you with your arms up in the picture, sure looks like somewhere in Ankh-Morpork! I'm another Pratchett fan. I love his sense of the ridiculous, but took me a while to get into his head, when I did, it was even more uproariously funny! Unfortunately, I've read 'em all I think

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Even Mary,

    You looked so contented, just sleeping there so peacefully. I've sort of snuk in for a quiet drink 007 style. Washed your mug up for you, did,nt want to leave too much for the faerys to do. Put some of those lovely, (I call them dead fly biccies, you know the ones I mean.) in the cupboard. Fire looks really inviting, but didn't need another log on it, so I left it.

    Poured a drink and quietly left, i'll take to bed with a good book. Sleep tight.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning all

    I trust everybody slept well

    I pocked my head round the door at about 4am & saw that the faeries had safely deposited all into their beds & had finished washing pots & hoovering crumbs up,i'm just having a quick banana & coffee befor i trot off to hospital with dad

    Hope everybody has a good day


  • As promised, I've  filled up the biccie barrel with squashed fly biscuits and penguins. Just back from seeing the wizard of onc, and chilin' with a nice cuppa. I really fancy a toasty crumpet dripping with butter, but slimming world wouldn't like it! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Thanks Mary

    The room is toasty warm & this sofa is so comfy tonight

    Still feeling slightly traumatised by todays events but things are slowly fitting into place,all we have to do now is wait for dad to make up his mind if it's chemo or op


  • Mind if I join you? JD behind the Colour of Magic, second shelf up. X