
  • 3572 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hello everyone,

the title says it all, this is a thread for everyone at any and all hours of day and night, to post, help, laugh, cry and anything in between. There will be no nasty posts, everyone who joins in will be gentle, considerate and kind to everyone else. Hugs to all......xxx

  • Nice hot choc with cream and marshmallows......fleecy jammies! Toasty toes, and a snuggle on the sofa! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Just in from a birthday treat with the little people,full of food,wine & a little shot of maple Jim Beam, very nice but i won't be replacing the JD with it,now in jammies with a cuppa

    You looked so peacefull Moomy i didn't have the heart to wake you as i passed through 


  • My, it's been quiet in here just over the last couple of days, the weather has been so good I wonder how much longer we will be needing the log fire.....but the faeries will help decide. 

    Really busy day yesterday so it's good to come in and relax to find croissants and fresh coffee for breakfast all waiting for me! 

    Hugs xxx


  • I snook in for a coffee and croissant a while ago, sorry I missed you.  Mmm, the log fire may have to be scaled down a little, but late at night it's comforting.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Keep the fire lit, ladies ! It's absolutely pouring down here and could do with a drying-out as I got rather wet walking back from church a bit earlier, sigh. A big change from yesterday afternoon when it actually felt warm and I gave the lawns their first cut of the year ...

    I shall sneak a quick coffee before cracking on again x

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I can't believe I've never found this place before! The door was open and I saw the lovely log fire.  I did help myself to a small glass from that bottle of Martini over there, hope that was OK.

    I haven't arrived empty handed.  I have this bunch of daffodils from my garden which I will put in that vase on the side.  Usually I like to leave flowers to grow naturally but I arrived home to find them flattened.  Not sure if this afternoon's rain or next door's cat is to blame.  

    I have also bought this plate of goodies.  In case you are not sure they are my first attempts at cupcakes.  I haven't quite got the hang of doing the swirly bit on the top yet, just shut your eyes and they taste fine.

    Margaret x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Welcome to our safe haven Margaret

    The flowers look lovely & the cupcakes were delicious,i have replenished the teabags,sugar & coffee

    if anybody sees my mum could you send her home & tell her you haven't seen me today,i love her & dad to bits but o need a bit of quiet time while i gather my thoughts ready for tomorrow

    Thank you

    Love Carol


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Margaret,

    It's a good job you came through this door and not in the 'Story Tellers Night' pub further down the forest track. There be some funny old goings on in there I tell thee........

    There's a stormlamp on the table
    Throwing shadows to the gable
    And you swallow if your'e able
    On a storyteller's night

    Click image to enlarge - G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Where did you find that picture,it looks like something from a Terry Pratchet novel


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Well, you are close - it's the artwork for an album cover by Rodney Mathews.

    Gotta love Pratchet tho' - His Discworld / Clarecraft pieces used to be made in the next village.

    I have one of his 'Death with Delete Key' figures sat atop my monitor here :-)

    G n' J