
  • 3572 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hello everyone,

the title says it all, this is a thread for everyone at any and all hours of day and night, to post, help, laugh, cry and anything in between. There will be no nasty posts, everyone who joins in will be gentle, considerate and kind to everyone else. Hugs to all......xxx

  • That's some cake, what a fantastic idea fo r a fundraiser, I admire people of imagination.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Me too,i do the boring coffee morning,cheese & wine evening stuff but the girl i had coffee with today shaved her hair off last year & raised £900,i'd love to come up with something original

    Does the faery come in every day to clean or just on mondays


  • Not sure about the faery, not fully up to speed with the housekeeping arrangements yet. You bin dropping crumbs? Or fluff spotting? X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    No, its a part time faery, only comes in on Mondays and Thursdays. However, it seems that their union (We're All Faery's) has campaigned for bank holiday Mondays off. 

    Also I've noticed that we're not getting left any 'fruit and nut'.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dropping crumbs,i don't look for fluff at home so i won't be doing it in here,maybe i should look for the hoover

    If they get the monday off will they be in on tuesday instead,mind you if they can't get the chocolate bars right maybe we should say no to getting bank holidays off,it is after all part of there normal working week


  • Morning! Big yawn.....vigorous scratching.......where's the coffee? Any croissants? Bit of a disturbed night last night,  don't know why, just happens! Very annoying. 

    Oh dear, hair all on end.....better go, might frighten folks off! Not a pretty sight! 

  • FormerMember

    My hairs always on end at the moment. I'm not complaining that I've got hair, it's nice to have again after so long without. I just wish I looked a bit less like worzel gummidge. 

  • Just to let you know, those faeries are on permanent duty, you just don't see 'em! It's all but miraculous that this place always looks good, any foods you request seem to arrive........I'm not too sure how they manage to clean the place when folk are sleeping on the sofas........

    anyway, great imagination is at play, too, of course......

    hugs to all, it's given me a great big grin to know this thread is of use to anyone when visitors arrive at all sorts of odd times and sit and post.......



  • Don't you just love those invisible fairies who just quietly care and DO! 

    Morning Gillywigs, good to hear from you. And Worzel is right on trend at the moment. How long since your treatment? XX

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    I'm most pleased i chanced upon this door as i was passing,thank you for leaving it open Moomy

    To me the most important faeries are the ones that care & just want to have a cuppa & a chat,if they want to do a bit of dusting while they're here that's an added bonus

    Well you have no need to worry about Worzel hair,the man that claims to love me tells me i look like a cross between Tina Turner & Rod Stewart in the mornings!!
