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This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    And....The first post of the day goes to .....(drum roll).....ME

    Morning All and catch ya all in a while. Have some serious work to do. How inconvenient. Will someone please, please, please win the lottery and share it with me??

    Love Bern xx
  • FormerMember
    Morning my dear friends.

    Well the pain seems to have eased a little although if you had heard and seen me this morning getting out of bed you would have thought I had been crushed by an elephant ha ha.

    The sun is still shining yay so I am wishing you all a happy day.

    Mel, today will be tough but you have enough strength to get through this day and all the others that will hurt so deeply, we all love you and are holding your hand today.

  • FormerMember
    Melly, these flowers are for you today. Big hug coming your way XX

    Em - you have to stop doing back flips. You are running for life, not somersaulting for life!! Glad you are feeling better

    To everyone have a good morning and good day. I have lost a serious amount of motivation and I can't afford to do that, as there are bills to be paid. So, I'm going to have to be stricter with myself and coming on this site. its like a drug, I'm sure it is. So, before work, lunchtime, what used to be my fag breaks is acceptable too!!! Just not allllllll day!! So, if I am not around, do not panic, I'm mighty fine, I'm just working.

    Anyone seen Heidi, Sue, Kelsey, Julie 1234.....YOOHOO!! COOOOIEEE!!! Sam, start waving your wine around that may grab their attention. Its a bottle of Baileys for Sue!!

    Group hug to you wonderful beautiful people. You are superb and don't you forget that. Love galoe Me xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi all

    Just a quick one as actually getting stuck into some housework for a change! Well, the doll is coming to stay next week and I know she is going to be looking into every nook and cranny so I need to have the place spic and span. She is soooooooo fussy!!!

    SAM Sam - first the doll and now you is ignoring me, I am getting a complex!!!

    Right Bern - I don't mind waving my bottle of wine around but I hope you didn't mean that I must share as you know me well enough by now to know that just ain't gonna happen!

    Em - glad your back is a little easier today hun. Make sure you don't go lifting those kiddies today!

    Mel - Big hugs for today my friend (((((((((((((()))))))))))))))). Will speak later X

    Love to everyone, including those not mentioned XX

    Ironing here we come - yuck!

  • FormerMember

    Another lovely day

    Our Jacs, thinking of you all

    Mel, think nice thoughts.

    Sam, i love the day for a nice dress, but aftr being with someone for 17 yrs i think we have passed the honeymoon stage lol

    Bern, get back to work, and stop holding us all back lol

    Em, just have a lie down. I am tortured with back & neck pain, i always look like i have a brush stuck up my **** lol, i find acupuncture helps for a while.

    Well i went to mums house last night, not been there for a good few wks, in floods of tears before i even opened the door, spent 45 mins walking round the place bawling my eyes out, don't know how i drove home, but i'm OK today, infact i have just booked Paris for 4 nights staying in the Keppler Hotel, thinking about booking diiner & show at Moulin Rouge, but have to read more reviews.

    Bye for now

  • FormerMember
    Glad to hear Bern is going to start working harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

    Sam, you too I will be asking the doll for a report on cleanliness ha ha

    I will sit on my arse so as not to do anymore damage to my back !

    Nic, Glad you have booked your trip hun it will be lovely.

    Mel- If you are low and feeling down remember all the happy days you shared and know that your Mum knew how much you loved her now and always, she is there with you XXX

  • FormerMember

    Nic, I find it so hard to go to Dad's house too, don't go there much and when I do just walk around the place too, feeling lost. It's hard hun. Glad you are ok today now.

    Paris will be great, very romantic!


  • FormerMember
    Nic, forgot to say chances of me getting away fom kids and business is very slim I owe the dentist £15 for missing my appointment last week they don't really take to you bringing your 5 kids with you ha ha X
  • FormerMember
    Bloody hell Em, now I've got you checking up on the state of me house as well. Will have to swear the doll to secrecy methinks!

    Catch ya later, I've really got to get on XX
  • FormerMember
    It's really wierd guys I have started over the last few weeks reading back through the old thread around the dates etc.. that I was going through such horrible times and it makes me sad but i'm not sobbing whihc a few months ago would have happened it scares me though as you all know Tony thinks I have become quite cold since losing Dad and I am thinking now is it just a coping mechanism or will I go back to being me as at the moment I do feel cold really cold???

    Hey i'm rambling again thats a bad sign that i'm
