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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    Ohhh I think there is a bit of a mission going on to get the mad twin over to the
  • FormerMember
    Sounds great Emx I’m sure the other mad twin will pop in too.Well think I have now found a wedding dress and its gorgeous just need to set a date. We are away on the 24th for a week so will hopefully have the time to make plans. It is difficult when you live apart and see each other maybe 1 or 2 nights every other week but I wouldn’t change a thing. I will let you know once we have a date set then we can have a virtual wedding here as well.

    SAM sam xx
  • FormerMember
    Sounds good to me hun. XXX
  • FormerMember
    I is bloody bored and in agony I have done something to my back and the pain is aarrgghhhh BAD!!!! I am sitting very still with laptop on knees and wondering how i'm ever going to get up the stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid fool I is but personally I can't help thinking it has something to do with my smear yesterday evening and the stupid position the nurse made me get into????????

    Hope you are all sat with a glass of something nice XXX

  • FormerMember
    Hello Lovely People,

    Em, you will have to take some Ibupofen to stop the spasms and have an early night. I have so much sympathy for back pain, been there.

    Did you see the post from David on the original thread, he is such a brave soldier.

    All the same here, although I'm a little nervous as tomorrow approaches. It will be 4 weeks tomorrow since Mum left. A whole four weeks, it just doesn't seem possible.

    It was lovely to get some wonderful news today. My Brother and Sister-in-Law are having a little Boy. My brother really wanted a boy, so he is just chuffed to bits. The baby is due at the end of September, and although I am overjoyed, it seems so unreal to think of a new baby in the family that Mum hasn't met. Ouch.

    I'm off to do the rounds on phonecalls tonight, as I want to catch up with my Aunt (Mum's Sister) and the Doll has reserved me a slot.

    Love to you all.

    Melanie X
  • FormerMember

    Oh Em, that sounds nasty, I hope it eases off soon. I think you're the one who could do with a glass of something nice - and strong! Take it easy and get hubby to carry you up the stairs if need be. Hopefully it will feel a lot better tomorrow X

    SAM Sam - good to see that you've finally popped in to see us. You going to give us any clues about the dress then or is it top secret? X

    Bern - def go for the pink tutu. It would go lovely with one of those pink race for life t-shirts X

  • FormerMember
    Hey Sam Sam,

    where is the wedding to be held?

    Are you a simple and elegant, or romantic princess type?

    I had my reception on a boat moared along from Big Ben. It looked so beautiful at night, and it was extra special for all the relatives that had travelled over. I really got caught with the planning bug, and have since done 4 friends weddings, all on a really tight budget, so if you want bargain tips I'm your lady.


    Mel x
  • FormerMember
    Hey Mel,

    Another thing we have in common I arrange everybody's weddings even before they have decided to get married ha ha X
  • FormerMember
    Mel Emx i need all the help i can get thanks although our resident doll is getting the planner spot but im sure she will share. Date is not set in stone yet but we are now looking for next september dress is just lush. Oh so excited. SAM sam xx