  • 1714 replies
  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon all

    What a busy little thread we have here nowadays, it's great!

    No sun here today just grey skies and rain but, I'm not complaining as it's Friday whoopee!!! I am so looking forward to this weekend as this last week seems to have been hectic with one thing or another. Have cleaned the house, done all the washing and finished unpacking. Just need to do some food (and wine) shopping now and then I'm done and can relax for a couple of days - at last!

    Em - you still on Tony watch? I hope you have a lovely weekend hun x

    Bern - definitely a huge bowl of chilli, it will be so much easier than messing around with vol-au-vents and such (I do know that is how you spell it as I'm good at french - ask Helen (hee hee, sorry Helen mate). I finally started training yesterday! Only a twenty minute brisk walk but hey ho, you have to start somewhere! Thank you for your words yesterday and I hope you have a fantastic evening tonight x

    Mel - enjoy your shopping trip hun and I hope the visit to the police station goes ok too. Still thinking of you loads and always here if you want another chat x

    Helen - you cheeky monkey you! That's all I have to say but remember that if you're not good and keep on ribbing me about me age, then I shall stick to what I said and you will have a list of chores to get through when you come to stay! Loves ya x

    Jac - sending some (((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))). We are all here for you Jac x

    Kelsey - hope you will come join us soon hun, been thinking of you x

    Nic - you still playing hide and seek with Barbie? x

    Wendy - thanks for the hugs from you and the pipster. It's not just me then as both you and Bern felt tired like this afterwards. I must be being normal, for a change! Enjoy your weekend hun and make sure to eat plenty of chocolate, for the both of you! x

    SAM Sam - hey, don't be shy, we is waiting for you to come say hi! x

    Den - I hope you are feeling a little better today, after the test. You must be so excited about finding out whether your little bundle is a he or a she x

    Cath, Dawn, Lesley - I hope you pop in again soon x

    Righ, don't think I've missed anyone (sorry if I have) so that's me for now. I will be raising a glass of wine at 8pm tonight and thinking of you all.

    Love and hugs,

    Sam x

  • FormerMember

    If Ever You Need Us

    If ever you need us,
    We'll be right here,
    To chase away the sadness,
    And wipe away a tear.

    If ever you need us,
    We'll be two steps behind,
    To follow in your footsteps,
    And hear what's on your mind.

    If ever you need us,
    You'll never have to fear,
    That your presence isn't important,
    And your love isn't dear.

    If ever you need us,
    We'll always be around,
    To bring back the laughter,
    Where deep in your heart it's found.

    You'll never have to worry,
    For We'll always be here,
    To chase away the sadness,
    And wipe away a tear

    Jac i think i can safely say that this says what we all think of you, just to let you know that we are all thinking of you and we all miss you.
    We are here when your ready.
  • FormerMember
    Lovely Post Nicky, I've missed Jac too and the war of the animations between Jac and Bern.

    We will have to get them to do a dual, to brighten the place up a little.

    Hey ! I'm the first poster again ! ! !

    Love to you all.

  • FormerMember
    Hi you guys.......
    Okay so I've done the thing again again, but what a body blow. I thought after all we had been through that 2 years meant two maybe three then for the rug to be pulled from under our sure you know how it is. DH and us just need to get on with things now............our four wee ones won't take care of themselves? (or could they?) You all have been so kind thinking of us and I appreciate greatly and I know that here you know exactly how I'm feeling....feels like PMT EVERY DAY!!!! Thanks again!
  • FormerMember

    Morning all

    Nic - the words of that poem were lovely. Hope you are ok today as know the weekends aren't good for you x

    Wendy - will definitely be having words with the pipster as he/she is really being naughty now and after all that chocolate you've been feeding him/her too! I can talk as I was a breech baby! x

    Mel - hope you have a nice relaxing weekend planned with your hubby and the kids x

    Jac - It's great to see your post. You will have made a lot of your friends very happy today ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) x

    Bern - hangover??? How did it go last night? x

    To everyone else - I hope you are enjoying the weekend as much as is possible and that the sun is shining for you all x

  • FormerMember
    Oh it's lovely to hear from you Sam, Wendy and Jac.

    Wendy- My lovely Becky was breach and they attempted to turn her. I actually told (shouted) them to stop, as it didn't seem right them pulling and pushing on my tummy like that. ihen went on to have c-section and all was well. Keep us all updated. X

    You have reminded me that I forgot to tell you about the police station.

    I had to wait outside the reception bit, in a holding area first (everyone does) anf there was this man in there. A solicitor walks in and says "you must be the lunatic with the samarai sword !, I am just going over to the court to post your bail and I will return"

    I was then left alone with this guy !!!!!

    He turns to me and says "I only did it because he came at me with a hammer" I nod politely and luckily the DC comes out to take me to see the mugshots. Didn't spot my burglar but it was an interesting morning anyway.

    Jac-You be what you need to be, and never forget we are always here for you when you are ready. I miss your animations, so if you feel unable to post, just leave us a lovely cartoon instead so we know you have been around.

    I wish there was more that we could say or do, and there is one thing that I will pass onto you, but I will do it via PM. Keep strong my lovely. X

    Sam- you are a star. Thank you for your message, and I will catch you properly at some point next week if that is ok. Love you. X

    Love to all

    Melly X
  • FormerMember

    Hey Melly

    Your police station story did make me chuckle, your face must have been a picture. It's amazing though, that they left you alone in a room with a madman. Think I would have made a run for it!

    Yes, next week is fine hun and love you too my friend X

  • FormerMember
    Right, I will be back later to see how everyone is but in the meantime I am off in search for chocolate - shouldn't be too difficult in this house!

    I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the sun comes out as we are having a barbecue later on. It's not looking too hopeful at the moment though.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    Love and hugs to all,

    Sam X
  • FormerMember

    afternoon all

    are we all ok today?

    been away for a few days so not able to post - went to Chester races and had a great time. Stayed in a haunted inn!! the other half won over £200 on the last race so we celebrated with a bottle of bubbly and then conked out at 7pm - yes 7pm! lightweights or what!?

    Sam - i'm ok hun, thanks for asking. hope you are too. you'd better get training - thought i was late starting the regime! although it's all gone to pot this weekend!x

    bern - i did go to Rome, in March for other halves 40th. Loved it and planning a return trip!

    right - better go and dry my hair before it dries itself (not a pretty sight!) - off to a friends house tonight for a birthday singstar and cake party!!

    love to all - catch up later


  • FormerMember
    hello all

    Big squeeshy hugs girls

    Just off to watch a film with me lad o then will come back and do longer message - dont panic not as long as me last one - hee hee.


    The doll
