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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    Well I just wet myself reading about Mel's police station trip ha ha. You must have been quite a site being polite with your nod ha ha.

    Thanks for my gift XXX

    Jac, Hunny I'm glad you posted I don't want you to feel I am forcing you into it but just to say we love you and are all behind you 100% XXX

    Well my other half has done a last minute escape with a gentle shove from me to watch cage rage. So I am sitting with baby on side of my arm, Llagan asleep opposite me and Lexie, Brooke and Cammie watching Alvin & the chipmunks for the zillonth time.

    With a rather large Bacardi and coke in

    It is great to know I can come here and if I dont want to look at other threads I can and if I feel I want too it's okay.

    You are all great and I hope you realise what special people you all are XXX
  • FormerMember

    Hey Em, cheers hun as I've a glass of wine in my hand and little one is fast asleep here too!

    Bern - worried about you, you ok today?

    Cath - you did well at the races yesterday then and you were only about 20 mins away from me!

    Helen - mate, hope you enjoying your film with your laddo. Loves ya.

    Well, it might be late but I'm off to help hubby with the barbecue as it's a lovely evening and the sun is now shining. See you all tomorrow X

  • FormerMember
    Enjoy the barbecue hunny XXX
  • FormerMember
    thanks Em and you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers! X
  • FormerMember
    Well I just bought hubby 2 tickets to the Amir Khan fight the week before his birthday(21st June) Yay!!!
  • FormerMember

    Evening all

    Things ok here. My darling daughter has her GSCEs at the mo and has had a difficult week!so I'm sitting here now drinking pink wine (mmmm) eating the odd Quaver. You are all talking holidays its making me jealous. We have 4 weeks until we do Paris (again!) my daughter loves it. Cath I hope your trip to Rome was as good as ours my brother got married there and although my dad fell (gazing at the architecture not drinking wine!) and had a black eye bless him we had a blast! God that wasn;t that long ago before the 'c' thing. Anyway keep doing the weekend.

    Much love


  • FormerMember
    Hi Lesley,

    We have had a stressful week too as Brooke starts SAT's monday.

    Hope your daughter gets to relax a little over the weekend.

  • FormerMember

    I bought clothes. Correction I bought many many clothes. So did my lovely friend Sara.

    Then we lunched. Correction we many many lunched and so now I don't think the many many clothes will fit !!! But hey ho.

    Now I have put crisp fresh sheets on bed, did the bed angel thing (like the snow angel without snow) and hubby has promised to amputate the PS3 controller from his hand, to enable the participation in a much needed foot rub for me !

    Oh and M and S have these pretty little garden ornaments that look like glass. They are battery operated and have an LED light that changes colour. I bought a butterfly one to put on Mum's resting place, but they had flowers and stars as well. I think it's becoming an obession with Mum's little area, as I am expecting a letter from the council to say that I must refrain from fly tipping there, as there is already so much stuff.

    Must be the good old jewish girl in me. You can never have to much sparkle. Aaron snapped at me today, stressful week as there is a new fund being launched on the 21st. If it goes wrong it will crash all the European Markets, so you may see him on a news channel soon. I told him that I could not take any bad emotions directed at me and if he snaps at me again, he better do it as far away from the kitchen as possible, because otherwise his balls will be the next decoration added.

    Off for foot rub now. Be good girls, love you all.


  • FormerMember
    ha ha, enjoy the foot rub(yeah right!!!!!).

  • FormerMember
    Bit worried actually, as I left for shopping with size 4 feet, but by the end was trying on size 5 shoes !! What's up with that?

    Maybe all the shopping has had the same effect on my arse? So if I stop shopping I might look like Kylie. I am a GENIUS !!!!!
