Dear Dot, it's a bit far for just a crumb, lol! And I'm not too sure if they use a splint or not.....yes, a week and a day now, a week on Tuesday at 9am( at least, that's my appointment time, being NHS I suspect it'll be nearer 10!) is when it comes off! (can't be soon enough, though I then go off to BP for the day....)
Wow Helen a hippie, just up my street lo! Would love to see a piccie of you if you have one.
Glad to hear Caz is not doing too bad at the moment, I hope this continues and the next round does not get her too down, bless her.
Those cup cakes sound delicious, I could just eat one lo!
Have a good evening, not long now till you have your hand back, although you may need some physio love.
Not a bad day today, considering it is 'Monday' hope the rest of the week goes the same way.
Love and many (((((((((hugs)))))))) to you both.
hahaha, yes, a flower power person, lol! it seems I was picked as the winner quite early on......might be able to get a pic on f/b later......
Caz has done no. 2 of this course, she's doing ok, I didn't go as she had transport all arranged to and from the hospital and will remember her meds......
I'm now qualified to do the education tours in 'toys' at BP but now have my CRB form to complete and send off. Hmm, wonder how long that'll be?
love and hugs to all
Hi dear Helen,
Let me know when you manage that piccie on F/B, I will take a peek.
Well done dear lady on passing exams enabling you to educate others in 'toys' at BP, CRB check used to take anything up to six weeks, could be wrong as things are changed so much over the latter years.
Sorry to hear your lovely girl is suffering from headaches, hope she feels better soon, bless her.
Not long now to getting your hand back, bet you cannot wait, also T, to have a two handed lovely lady around again, not to mention waiting on him lo!
Seriously, take good care my friend.
Caz is in all of our prayers as she always is.
Much love to you both along with many gentle (((((((hugs))))))))
Bless the lass, it's accountant day for her today, she's not looking forward to the bill......ah well......
love and hugs to all
the dreaded bill wasn't as bad as she feared, having hobbies that are totally related to her work helps build the tax-deductables!
but poor lass is on antibios for a UTI, apparently her chemical balance is so changed it has let her catch one.....she's drinking cranberry juice too.
love and hugs to all
Awwww bless her Helen, glad to hear her tax bill was not too bad though. Hope she feels better soon love.
Not long now Helen, you will have your hand back again, only a couple of more days.
Have a good weekend dear friend, hope it is not too busy.
Much love to you both along with some (((((((((hugs))))))))))
Still been following what is going on in the background
Its now two years on since I had R/T, but I am still receiving treatment for the after effects which have not proved not very nice. The good news is that I am still in remission
Moved home from Worthing to Reading.Glad to hear of your activities and that Caz is still doing well
Tony W
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