We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Aaaah, Shell, is it getting long again? Caz is growing hers into a bob this time, after having it quite short for a while.....


  • FormerMember
    rite helen hun im off to try n get sum sleep, hope to spk soon hun. love to both u and caz

    xxxshelliey xxx
  • FormerMember
    yes hun its just past my shoulders now and i love it lol xxx
  • night, honey, sleep well....


  • FormerMember
    hi helen hun, just to let u know ive lost anuva 3 lbs, so that 8lbs in 3 1/2 weeks xxxx
  • Shelliey, that is just great, well done you!!!!!!!!


  • FormerMember
    thanx hun xxx
  • Well, I'm doggy sitting as son has workmen in at his place,today, she is very sweet and is just about getting used to us....He brought her over last night and stayed to dinner, she was good when he went but whined a bit in the night, couldn't decide whose feet to sleep on, mine or hubby's! In the end she crept down onto her own bed....3.30am!!!! Had to be up to see Caz off again at 6.30, took dog for long walk, came back, had nap, now still shattered, lol! Dog out for the count!


  • FormerMember
    hi helen

    its stalker here!!!!
    bet your'e shattered after your dog sitting, are you napping now?...lol

    hope you, hubs and caz are all ok, hope you had a good b h weekend apart from weather eh?

    sending love and hugs to you all
    love stalker karen xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Hello, Stalker Karen! yes, am just about to go to bed! You are right, and silly o'clock was tiring! How are you doing, sweet? Those sinuses play you up with all that rain? Where DID it all come from??????? love......xxx
