For those with a warped sense of humour WARNING- no punches pulled here

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Welcome to Warped.

I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway)  I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped  and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...  

Hi there,

This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!

If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so  you have been warned!!!!

This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....

In the meantime,

Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!

Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!

Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Little My x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi LM,

    I have a phone that does the exact same things !!

    Well it does after 1/2 a teapot full of gin - bit early in the day for it maybe ??

    John xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    sorry about that last one, and John I had only been on the beers... no gin.

    My lovely mad brother is a whizz with all thing gadgety so I asked him to sort out my phone so I could reply to things on here as well as just read them (thinking of my op and how to keep myself entertained with you lot or more truthfully, the torture of only being able to read what you lot are up to and not being able to stick my 2 pennyworth in (actually in my case its more like a few quid) anyway, all I was trying to do was reply to Jinty's BOGOF request... and I couldn't and got so fed up typing and it disappearing each time he fiddled with it  that I just started typing rubbish that I couldn't actually see what I was writing (hence the weird spellings/typos etc) and sod's Law (oh god, not him again, i thought I'd lefthim in Uk) anyway, the rambling rant was the one that actually got through....

    so, in the end, brother declares you have a crap phone and/or there is something wrong with the site... so no further on and you all got emailed an incoherant pile of nonsense... sorry....

    Anyway, all I wanted to say to Jinty was the following...

    BOGOF sounds like a good idea.. brother's repsonse was "Is she rich and is she good looking?" Once i had pointed out the inapporopriateness of the latter commment for your potential sister, he said as long as she buys me stuff. I did try to also point out that that was probably why Jinty wanted him as a brother.... so he says yes as long you send a photo (only kidding) I do have to point out that he does come with a health warning and lets just say that I am considered the sane and sensible one of the family... So, Jinty, hoorah! another sister.... are you big or little? (in the sister department, not wishing to be rude about your size.)

    The sun is over the yard arm here... so G&T's are being served.. remind me why I am coming home please?

    Little myxxxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Tough decision....mmmmm

    Well I'm the youngest of 5 - so I think I'll go for the "big sister" option for a wee change.

    I'm 5'10 in my bare feet - so the "big" sister is probably factual too?

    I'm 49 and a half with a mental age of 15 and a half - Will this be a problem?

    In return for the various "big sister duties" I will provide - "Telling you the music your generation like is crap and stuff like that etc ..."

    You will have to be a good auntie to my son - youll like him -He's studying Marine Biology at Uni - and you could help him with sciency things - he takes after his dad on liking sciency things - can you tell?

    He also pours a mean G&T - I blame his parents.

    I've changed my mind about adopting your brother - he can BOGOF - (Buy him things indeed - I'm Scottish!!) - but you CAN tell him I was considered a "good looking wummin in my day"....

    Anyway enjoy your G&T (s) - and come home safe XX


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh and I'm a bit good at techy things - so I'll sort your phone and explain how it works without telling you you need a new phone...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh LM your last day i do hope you have made every second count, like my older sister that you are i have taken your lead and have spent the sfternoon with my mum eating our favourite foods a la M and S and a botle of bubbly and a half bottle of white to celebrate that my boobs are perfect, well debatable they are no longer pert and have the look of youth but no matter where they hang and if they need defined upholstery and lots of wire, they are normal.........hubbie promises to worship them tonight lol now i only have to deal with the nose.........

    I have tried responding via my phone only to receive a message from mac admin saying that they only send out the mesages, oh well when i have my op i will let you know 'cause what keeps me smiling are your posts, you wonderful lot x

    LM have a great trip back tomorrow.....we will be here with the welcome party , loads of g and t and champers although dont be delayed otherwise i will have drunk it all !!

    My NSPCC visit yesterday i didnt mention he looked like one of those american entertainers who always looked like he was about to burst into song and dance , was quite funny really and when i told him it wasnt a good time  to the point that i was half way through my post said , i was heavy involved with macmillan and it wasnt a good time for me but he really didnt get it actually asked me if i was sure, lol i so nearly did pull the ' ive got cancer card' but was more worried of the dance he might pull you just had to be here to appreciate it.

    ok celebration dinner to cook for the first time in 7 months ive had a massive bit of good news , you are all invited and i will raise my glass to you all. Have a fab evening each and every one of you and ill see you tomorrow xxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    oh John just read my mum your shower joke and she couldnt stop laughing, poor woman has supported friends and me in cancer and so deserved a laugh so a big kiss..... mwahh..... from us both and hope you see this xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    to anyone reading this post you all seem to know your way around really well  - where's the carers version - the issue i have is I am looking for somewhere to scream and shout about how caring for someone (who by the way isn't terminal just suffering) whilst holding down a full time job and looking after two primary school kids can can scream and shout about poo bags a potty training a husband without having to say 'oh we have good days and bad days' - FYI we haven't had to do chemo or radio and therefore are in the little leagues where you lot are concerned - we do however have to do the genetics thing

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Don't think this thread is the place for that.  Perhaps you could blog or join the 'for carers only' forum.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello one and all, haven't been on this thread for a few days, so have a bit of catching up to do. Will do it when I have a bit more time. At hospital with my poor daughter tonight again. After having an emergency op to remove a fallopian tube 3 weeks ago she was in agony with upper abdo pain today and passing black stools.

    GP referred her for an emergency endoscopy. She started vomiting black stuff this afternoon so an evening spent in A & E  was the order of the day (AGAIN!). Blood tests were normal, so she got home to wait for the endoscopy appt.

    Anyway, Little My hope the holiday is going well, and don't forget this Community Chump has ordered duty free and lots of it! And that is an order. I notice some people on here have gotten priority treatment and had their sofa bought and readied humph! Favouritism at its best lol.

    Sunny, have you had your next lot of chemo yet, or is it later in the week? See, told you I have fallen behind with goings on. Really need to stay off the booze and I wouldn't lose so many days lol. If truth be told my wee grandson started school last week and I've been getting up to take him there. Early mornings are not my forte lol.

    Hope everyone is as well as can be. Will hopefully catch up soon. Have a night out tomorrow so won't be here. Will you miss me, will you, will you. Aw never mind lol.

    Love to one and all, Christine xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Christine, your poor daughter seems to be having an awful time just now.  I'm not surprised you have to catch up here - if for no other reason than a little light relief!  I hope she's ok for now, it all sounds quite traumatic.

    As for favouritism, I haven't actually got my hands on the sofa yet, and I suspect, like your duty free, it will fail to materialise.  All promises some people!  I couldn't believe it when I read LM was coming back tomorrow.  It feels like she's never been away.  What do you mean she's never been away?  In two places at once.  So that's her super power!

    Anyway, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when customs go through her bags...

    My next chemo is on Thursday and as I've been feeling really tired for the last few days, I'm not looking forward to it.  To top it all off, my hair's been falling out today.  Not big hanks of it, just a lot of it.  It already looks thinner.  I checked on the Macpages and only one of my chemos does that, and it's supposed to be a rare side-effect, so lucky me!!!  I'm fairly confident I'm not going to go bald, but I may need another haircut if this carries on.  It's so bad, the cat's complaining about me shedding!

    The other wonderful thing that's happened is I've started retaining fluid.  At the same time, I seem to have lost inches so the bits that were previously skinny, my ankles for example, are now fat.  And some of my fat bits, are less fat (Skinny would be too much to hope for!). 

    God I feel so good about myself right now, I wonder if Gok Wan is doing anything for the rest of the year...

    Anyway, this is the most energy I've expended all day, so I hope you appreciate it!

    Lots of love, Ann x