Welcome to Warped.
I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway) I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...
Hi there,
This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!
If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so you have been warned!!!!
This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....
In the meantime,
Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!
Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!
Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Little My x
Oh its been quiet over here.....
Jan, you are truely warped if you enjoy ribbon dessings!!! Shoving strips of gauze into holes in people?Really? Do you also like torturing kittens in your spare time??? Today I get another new district nurse!! How many of them are there? we're only a tiny place and in the middle of nowhere and tomorrow another one!! Do you think there is a huge battalion of them and every day a new one is released out to poke at me.... ? Today's one said that tight packing was old fashioned and only needed to put a little bit in so didn't need the pokey thing the other one took away. She did leave a scary looking thing for 'measuring how deep it ist' eeek. I bet you like doing that too, Jan :)
enough gory stuff.
I want to say Rooby booby rebel rocks! She did a very brave thing today and I am very proud of her. Thanks to Odin too for defending his minions. Some of us have been a little shakey today.
I spent the whole bloomin day sitting inside waiting for the nurse to come. She phoned at lunchtime and said she couldn't find the house and said she'd be there within the hour. 3 hours later another one turns up! We agreed a 2 hour window tomorrow cos I want to go out in the sunshine and plan what to do with my garden when I get to start doing gardening again and go for a walk if I can. I meant to buy a steamer chair and never got round to it. Wish I had now so could lie in comfort outside in the sun... maybe Mr Amazon could help me out there!
Anyway, while I was waiting just now, I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and there was a really cute little mouse with big eyes and round ears peeping out from my shoe!!! The cats were sat in the hall guarding each end of the bookcase so i guess they brought him in and lost him. He just sat in my shoe while I carried him outside!! So cute.... :)
I am wondering how Tim is getting on. I hope he learns how to use the tv internet thing by his bed to let us know he is ok.... not that we worry of course! If you can get your emails, Tim - Hi!!!!! Hope you are ok and not in too much pain and sending you a big gentle hug xxxxx
I forgot what I was going to say now cos I got distracted, and then fell asleep. HA! so i'll shut up.
Love you all so much.
Little My xxx
Tim is very quiet. I am Worried. I hope I am Needlessly Worried.
LM, another possibility for a tat - how about a phoenix, if you can find a nice, non-cheesy design. There's a subtle, tasteful tat, and then there's looking like a Meatloaf album cover.
YAY for Ruby and Odin. I have been very carefully not stepping in, tempting though it is. The whole thing makes me miss Sunny, though. She was one of the first people to welcome me to the Mac site, and got bullied off it only a couple of weeks later.
Jan, I think you're tempting fate swapping your wardrobe over! I've been wearing a sundress today, but only last week it was sweaters and boots and leggings; who knows what next week will bring?! Mind you, I actually hadn't finished putting away my summer clothes from last year ...
My friend Penny bought me a Stitch 'n' Bitch knitting book which has a recipe - no, not a recipe, a ... what? Anyway! For a pair of Pippi Longstocking socks. That's LM's Christmas pressie sorted, then. Of course, I have to learn to knit first, but I have nine months to do it in.
A Japanese coi carp would be good, it represent heath and well being and all the people in LA Ink go for them.
Actually that should have read strength in adversity and perseverence, Dave just looked it up on the Internet.
I want to hear from Tim too.... I am sure he is ok, just not on the tv thing and his phone doesn't do internet. Come on Tim!!! xxx
I also thought about Sunny too more than usual. Probably for the same reason as you, Hilary. Its hard to keep in contact just via email cos you do the how are you thing but the banter isn't the same as on here and she doesn't do email so often. Time has flown and I realised I have not heard from her for a couple of months now. In Sunny's position, its a bit scary sending an email asking how she is. I hope she answers....
Ems texted me. She sicked up her tube on her cornflakes so had to have another one put in and is wisely going to stick to fortisips for the next wee while. She's tired out but doing amzingly well. I take my hat off to her. Blimey, us warpees are a stoical lot!! I am not feeling stoical today at all. The latest nurse to appear put my dressing on too loosely so my belly is not held in place and I can't sit comfy at all. I thought I was going to split in half when I did a sneeze just now. Maybe I should get the invincibles out again haha.
On a happier note.... EEEEEEEEEEK!!!! Pippi stockings :) hahaaaaaa She is my hero (alongside Little My of course) Get knitting Hilary and btw its called a PATTERN. I can teach you if you like, but I knit the Swedish way - looks the same in the end but different to the english way so confuses people. I also get bored very easily. During treatment I tried knitting to relieve the boredom. I managed a mobile phone case before I ground to a halt with boredom.
I was looking at phoenix designs today as trollbeads have got a phoenix bead out that looked nice.
Frannie, I have heard of carp too for health. I did want my Norse god symbol but don't really want to be mistaken for a neo nazi! This is my problem you see... and why I probably never got one cos I can't decide enough. Maybe I should just get Little My tattooed on my arse hahahahaaaaa
Have you noticed I have got my grumpy face today? I think you know why....
I would like to publically announce that Hilary beat me at wwf this afternoon with the word gluepot! I now intend to go back to thrashing her....
Night all and love and hugs to all of you.
Little My xxx
ps we are edging towards 2000th post. I think Hilary had better start composing another piece of doggerel for the occasion. I think she should be appointed Warped Laureate. A pome for every occasion! Well, she wrote me some bum haikus while I was in hospital... I may return the favour when she is in... innards haikus perhaps.
Well good evening to all you lovely loons, I hope you have all enjoyed the sunshine today and I am sorry to those who have been stuck in hospital or just in bed too poorly to sit out.
There, do you think I have cleared the front page test????????
What a day I have had, what with playing nurses to my other half who is in a lot of pain with his foot and spending the rest of the day feeling really really angry about the treatment of a friend of mine who does not have a cushy life and uses a bit of humour to get by well woe be tide the brave person that thinks they are going to get rid of people having a bit of fun.
I would like to thank Hils and Lm for helping me when I first came on mac, I had no one to turn to and was very very scared and close to doing something silly, so I will not stand for it, there I have said it.
I do hope Tim is okay and everything has gone to plan. Hello Tim if you can see this " I'm waving".
I still think you are all wonderful people xxxxxx
As promised here is a picture of other halves foot.
That is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its worse than my hole!
Wanna see it?
No? I thought not.
Ruby, you are a legend and don't be angry for me now...... I'm ok now thanks to you lot :)
Cos you see, we care. -, we support AND smile too... what more could you want..? oh well, yes, cake of course, and chocklit. Oh I can't write with that foot there eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Oh and you don't need to thank us, cos we have a radar for cool people and we got to meet you which was cool and ruby rocks! so the pleasure is all ours :)
Gotta go before I puke.... . poor Tom. He gets sympathy from me. Does he want some of my morphine?
He said yes to the morphine, he is in soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much pain.
Glad your feeling a bit better
Love booby xxx
P.S. loving the amazon woman with the one boob!!!!!!!!
I'm not surprised!! OUCH! Its a bit of a drive and I'm not allowed to at the mo or I would come round with it.... :)
Didn't the hospital give him some painkillers? I have them phoning me up every day to ask how I am doing for pain etc... and that looks more sore than my hole in my belly!
Get him to ask forsomething stronger tomorrow- no need for him to be in pain . If he takes 2 paracetamol and an ibprofen/codeine or whatever constantly (well, you know what i mean, as per the packet) they build up the pain relief and it helps. That's what I was shown to do and it does help.
Apparently, they chopped one off so they could shoot their bow and arrows better. Strong and beautiful and warriors! That's you!
Off to move from bed to sofa for a while and watch telly with P. He's also eyeing up my pain killers but only cos he's a hyperchondriac and likes them!
Night all... xxx
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