Welcome to Warped.
I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway) I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...
Hi there,
This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!
If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so you have been warned!!!!
This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....
In the meantime,
Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!
Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!
Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Little My x
Just popped in to wish you good luck Tim. Talk more later.
Odin xxx
oops sorry about the kisses.
Just spent an hour reading what everyone is up to. We have lots of photos of cats and winter scenes Brrrrrrrrr! There also appears to be a bromance developing between Tim and Odin. Considering things were supposed to be quieter since LM, Ems and now Tim were being detained at the NHS' pleasure, I dread to think what it will be like once normal service is resumed!
Tim, there is no shame in having a Nokia. I also have a Nokia that is over 6 years old, and it was dropped in jugs of water, and on the floor several times whilst I was in hospital!
Thought we'd had an earthquake in the Midlands yesterday, but now find out that it was LM. Once Tim joins in we could have a major catastrophe!
Annie, I went to the Leonardo exhibition a couple of weeks ago. I love the Burnes-Jones stuff. Most of the Staffordshire Hoard is in America at the moment, and this is a few more bits that they are working on. I live only a couple of miles from where it was discovered. The mention of Bournville had me rushing to the chocklit, although I'm a Green and Black's girl rather than Dairy Milk!
I've somehow missed an update on Hils, but there was something about you going into hospital next month. Hope that all goes well there.
Rooby Tuesday, Clair de Luny, Jan, Crutons and everyone else.......hope that life is treating you kindly. That cavemen are venturing out occasionally, sisters are on their best behaviour and not trying for one upmanship, mothers are being considerate.........
Hope the flush is working in Ems room as it will be working overtime. Bring on the morphine and the psychedelic dreams.....not many pluses when you're having SCT!
Oh just popped back to say that I really enjoyed the poems Hils. Think you should be next poet laureate.....I went to school with the present one.....and then you could drink a sackbut of sherry!
Morning everyone!
I am loving real food and real coffee and my own bed, but missing that button thing that gets your bed lifted up so you can get up!!
I have just taken all of my invincibles out of the drawer!!!! such a weird feeling not havng to change bags and wear them.... so, I need to go knicker shopping. I am tempted to see if i can get womble knickers again haha.
Lying in bed rather sore and waiting for the district nurse to phone and come round and the nurse from the hospital to phone (they let me home early on this boot camp thing but it means they have to phone to check I am ok and the nurse has to come round and do your obs etc as well as the dressing change... OUCH!)
Ok, confession time... you know me- positive and all that but I have to confess that this open wound thing that sounds good in theory, bloody hurts! and I don't like it and it made me cry. I know, wuss or what!! The idea is that if you have a round hole, you can't close it without getting ridges at either end and pulling the skin and risking hernias etc. So, they tighten it al the bottom and leave it open to heal over itself from the insdie out. Strong healing, less chance of hernias etc and less chance of infection sealed in etc. smaller scar. All good. BUT they have to keep the hole open while it heals up so it doesn't close over at the top, so they pack it with gauze. My hole is a bit smaller than normal apparently (probably cos I am smaller than normal haha) so this means shoving the gauze in with tweezers. Feeling sick yet? :) and it bloody hurts and I've got 6 weeks of it!!!. OK, now I have put you off your breakfast, you won't hear about it again.
Stinker, of course it wasn't going to be quiet with me in hospital cos I had nothing else to do except blab on at you lot! It'll get quiet when i go back to work....
So, good luck Tim for your op and good luck ems for new cells today and love to Mandy for giving Uncle the best send off and love to you all for whatever is happening today....
My novelty for the day is my lovely friend who is French and married to a Japanese man sent me 2 presents. One is the original French oh I don't know how to spell his name Rorshatt (??) blots (I come out as a pycho killer) and Japanese socks. They are raw silk and like gloves- individual toes on them hahaaa they look so funny on :)
Oh and now I am home and got my computer back... here are my pussy cats.... Wolfie is the upside down ginger naughty boy (I know, I don't know why he's upside down) and Chooch the big fat smiley cuddly one )
Little My xxxxx
LM Get a bed with the button thingy. Mine's brill. Bought it when I was ill and having breathing difficulties. Even better is that although its a double we have separate matresses so that we can adjust to our own needs. Thing is that when go to give each other a cuddle there is a gap where they join, which usually results in one of us singing (to an Elvis Presley's Suspicious Minds)
"We're caught in a crack. I can't get back
I love you too much Baby"
Yep, we're totally daft!!!
There is no shame in shedding a few tears, whether they be through pain, sadness, happiness, or sheer frustration. I've shed a few this week thinking of Ems knowing how tough this week has been and what is to come....but hopefully she won't reach the depths that I did. It made me wince just reading about your wound, but smaller scar and better healing will make it worthwhile
Love the pictures of your cats. Prrrrrrr
Enjoy the spoiling, and pretend like Cleopatra.....peeled grapes etc, just keep away from that asp ;-)
Hello Little My, just popped over to say that I am in total agreement with Cruton's post ....... couldn't have said it better myself. No way are you a wuss after having such surgery and you have been very brave ( slight head tilt ) it takes courage to face up these things ........well done.
Oh, I love your cats ! So please take things gently and relax with them - may you heal quickly.
Love and hugs, Joycee xxx
Ha Ha, LM the psycho killer in the Japanese silk stocking with individual toes!
Let's get the head tilty bit over. Welcome home LM, do take it easy with no lifting even a half filled kettle until you are well and truly healed. Oh that gauze thingy made me wince, I do feel for you - almost literally!
I hope the District Nurse is gentle with you and you are soon up and running (is that the right phrase?)
What's this about a button thingy for beds? What's wrong with a rope from the ceiling to pull on. Button thingies are dangerous, especially if they operate by remote control; just imagine every time P changes to the sports channel you get turfed out of bed! Nasty.
Glad you're enjoying real food; does it include prune Juice?
It will get quiet when you go back to work? Who are you kidding!
You must be trying to turn me into a mad cat lady posting beautiful piccies of cats like that. They obviously know what you should be doing, lying there taking it easy and having everything provided for you. It's a hard life I know but you will just have to put up with it. Eventually you will get to bathe in asses milk! Does that posh Gym of yours provide asses milk baths? BTW Which cat has the kinky tail (nearly wrote tale there) which was caught in the door?
Won't be long now before Tim and Ems are back among the normals ... er ... well you know what I mean.
Love hugs cwtches and Krams to all and spoons to those still undergoing treatment.
Odin xxx
Sorry Tim, those kisses aren't for you! (People are beginning to talk).
Oh you lot are lovely :) I guess I shouldn't feel a wuss but I do! Its funny cos in one way I should just get a bin liner and bin all my stoma stuff, but there's a bit of me that can't quite believe it yet and feels like I shouldn't get rid of it just yet. Really odd! Almost like a bereavement in a weird way.... I guess baggy was a big part of my life and such a godsend at the time that I got quite fond of him in a weird way. Its also that idea that maybe this is it now.... if it doesn't come back, and this bum thing goes ok, then it could be no more treatment or ops or anything and that is a really really weird thought and almost a bit scary. So odd. Of course, there could be loads more treatment and bum stuff to do, but maybe not. I feel a bit like when my treatment stopped... like they open a cupboard door you have been locked up in and you are left blinking in the light thinking what was all that about??? and now what??? Sorry, that wasn't very warped... never mind. Just rambling on as usual.....
I AM taking it easy! I have nothing so far today except lie in bed and then transfer to the sofa... district nurse is so bloody gentle that she hasn't turned up! I hate it when you just sit around waiting all day for someone to phone and call round. You can't really settle and don't want to go to sleep or anything in case they turn up or phone. I am getting worried that she hasn't got the message or something. I hate it when you get to that stage of thinking shall I phone or not cos you don't want to appear like a hung up loony, but then don't want to leave it too late either and they say oh why didn't you phone etc... I'll leave it half an hour and then phone the hospital and check what's going on.The district nurses aren't attached to the surgery so no idea where they come from or how you get in touch with them... the nurse was meant to phone me too so I was going to mention it to her, but she hasn't phoned either!!! gggrrrrr. Sooner I can walk down to the surgery to get it done the better!! P keeps asking if Nerys Hughes has been yet! I imagine her as a big fat jolly loud woman bustling around in a uniform. Watched too many nostalgic telly programmes I guess cos I bet she isn't like that at all and might even be a he haha.
Wonder how Tim is getting on. Don't envy him at all.....hopefully he is out and back on the ward with a nice big fat morphine pump for company! and ems should be getting her new cells by now....
Normally no one drives up our road so if you hear a car you could guess it was who you were expecting. They have got road works at the bottom of the hill with lights so everyone is cutting past our house to avoid the lights! I keep thinking Oh that'll be her hahaaa.
Wolfie is the ginger one and the one I trapped his tale. He is really daddy's boy. Chooch is the fat cat. He's a bit of a mummy's boy and the one that snuggles up with me all the time and the one that sits on my computer keyvboard and sends emails etc. Chooch had a sister called Bela that got run over and Wolfie had a brother called Milo that also got runover :( luckily they love eachother.
Ok, getting irritated waiting now so off to phone someone somewhere and find out what's happening....
Lots of love Little My xxxx
ps hello Joycee, did you dare to eat that roses choc in the bath???? :)
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