For those with a warped sense of humour WARNING- no punches pulled here

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  • 11 subscribers

Welcome to Warped.

I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway)  I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped  and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...  

Hi there,

This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!

If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so  you have been warned!!!!

This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....

In the meantime,

Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!

Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!

Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Little My x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Jan, that snowy pic is of the top of our road and machine says thanks but unfortunately he is not mine, I just take care of him for my friend, but I love him like he is mine.

    Hope your baggy being good cause this bin is filling up!!!!!

    Ruby x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That's nothing. There was an elephant in my hospital room.

    Also, you could build a really good cannon out of pee bottles.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Is your pee bottle cannon tried and tested Hils? :))) not at the elephant ofcourse.

    Oh Ruby, what a lovely scenery at the top of your road.  We look out onto the Manchester Ship Canal which is quite interesting when the ships go by.  Though these days we only get to see the masts as they built apartments a few years ago :(

    Wonder where LM is up to.  We must get this place ship shape for her return.  Clink, clink, oh that's just me collecting mine and Mandys bottles hic!!

    Take care all

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    LITTLE MY IS STILL SAT IN THE WAITING ROOM IN HER PAPER PANTS SURGICAL ATOCKINGS AND GOWN!! waiting for her turn which was meant to be 2 1/2 hours ago. The other woman in the waiting room is moaning and moaning about the wait and everything and how hungry she is and and and blah she's In for a skin tag removal 5 mibs and then home. She is reading me articles from the daily Tory /fail and the sun. I am disappointing her in my lack of horror at the shocker stories! Sleep beautiful sleep to sleep perchance to dream... Either knock me out now or I'll knock her out with the door hahaaaa love to you all xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh my, Little My ! Are you still there ? ! Just had to come over 'cause I have been thinking about you all morning and would have though that you were in the Land of Nod by now !

    Hope that you are now on your way to be a bagless Dyson ........... good luck and valsigne dig.

    Love, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Still waiting!! I'm only second on the list!! Guess it can't be long now cos there's not much of the day left haha thanks for the hugs xxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Little My, I can't believe that they have kept you waiting for this length of time ! Bet that you are starving by now and desperate for a coffee, you poor thing. Afraid that I would be saying ' if they don't hurry up, I'm off ! ' ......... but keep your chin up and it hopefully won't be long now.

    See you when you are back and awake !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Little My what is that surgeon up to. I bet he's gone outside for a sneaky fag or down the chippy for lunch. HURRY UP! MR SURGEON!

    Cruton did you notice? Hilary's got a useful peace of weaponry, a paa bottle cannon. That could come in useful for the rescue!

    Lycka till LM och största kramar

    Odin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    I think he heard you! Last Weston in recovery so I'm next! Soon apparently yeah right you said that at 7.30 this morning!! See you all later tack för kram xxxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I reckon your surgeon's out playing golf (pronounced 'gofe') with Mr Tozzi. Good luck!

    There was a young lady named My

    Who was not known as overly shy

    She would show off her bum

    To the world and his son

    Most especially when she got high.

    There's slanderous.
