Welcome to Warped.
I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway) I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...
Hi there,
This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!
If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so you have been warned!!!!
This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....
In the meantime,
Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!
Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!
Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Little My x
Ha ha Stinker, you are right there.... better get a bigger sofa before you lot come over...
We'd never get the dishes done would we?
Actually, I'm not looking forward to seeing us lot trying to outdo eachother on the cancer card trump system... that's one game I would happily lose, even if it does mean having to sit on the floor (as long as I get a cushion please? GC and rolos still making things a bit tender there)
I think Sunny probably wins, but she's getting a souvenir sofa from me, so that's ok and it is a big sofa so if we squash up, I reckon we could all fit on and at least we don't have to get up to pass the gin round... so hey, get on a plane and get here... I'm missing you all...
As for the ecstacy, have you thought of entering a trial for preventing it coming back? You could try that one in court... well, you see m'lord, I was on this website for loonies and they suggested that I took drugs and... OH...
I've got cancer... here's my card.... run away....
Little My xxx
The cancer card competition is one I don't want to win either! I'll sit on the floor any time. In fact, I'd lie on a bed of nails as an alternative! I think Stinker beats us hands down, just on the number of procedures and weird stuff she's had to do. MInd you, some of it does sound like the medical and nursing staff were just yanking her chain! I am really jealous of the peeing a rainbow bit though - that sounds like fun! I think after all the stuff Stinker has gone through, she could justify taking Eccies! Party on girl...
As for my sofa, pack carefully, and don't spill Gin on it!
Ann x
I was going to do this with illustrations, but no photoshop etc here and too much gin, so sorry- you will just have to imagine them xxxx
Feeling Tired? Fed Up? Listless? Hairless?
Or just can’t be bothered...
You need the Cancer Card!
Little My Cancer Card services for all your cancer card needs....
In our IGC range (I’ve got cancer)
ICFSWC range (I’m caring for someone with cancer)
We have a wide range of cards to suit most occasions....
Please note: All Cancer Cards are prefixed by either of the above IGC or ICFSWC please state clearly which type you require on the order form.
So for example the BMST card would read... I’ve got cancer, buy me shiny things or
I am caring for someone with cancer, buy me shiny things.
Our featured cards this week are the ones for those days when let’s face it, when you just need a bit of a perk from this cancer lark....
The GOODWILL card- Get Out OF Doing What I Loath Lots
The WISH card- What I Say Happens
The BMST- Buy Me Shiny Things
The HNC- Housework? No Chance
The IHTW- I Have To Win
The IGWIW- I Get What I Want
The INC- I’m Not Cooking
And the multi purpose- DDTM card- don’t do that to me.
This next card comes in handy packs of 3 and is particularly useful if your car breaks down, or you just need something doing for you...
The FISH card- Free Instant Sympathy Here
Or why not try one of our themed ranges?
The Toilet humour range proving popular this month with those that want a bit of understanding for those hiding under the duvet days or pre check up days...
POO- person out of order
PUBES- Person Under Bl**dy Enormous Stress
SH*T- Sympathy Here Instantly Thank you
Our new Medical themed cards are also proving popular with a certain clientele
GP- Gin Please
GMC- Give Me Cake/Chips/cocktails (delete as appropriate)
NHS- No Housework Stupid!
And2 for those exasperating moments...
The STAYGAS card- Say That Again- You’ll Get A Slap
And Little My’s personal favourite...which is on special offer of buy one get one free this week...the ever popular...
(I Might Look Well, But Please Don’t Keep telling Me That With Your Head Tilted Cos It Does My Head In!)
All available to buy at littlemycancercards.com
Please note: Credit Terms not available
We are always on the look out for new ranges so any suggestions please forward for inclusion in our autumn brochure coming soon.
Little My x
You'eve been busy! Did make me laugh out loud, so much that I'd buy them if they were available!
I'll be back with suggestions later, brain stopped functioning properly a couple of hours ago!
Ann x
my stopped functioning a couple of years ago... ah well....
glad you liked them
Goodnight xxxx
Oh LM those cards are so funny! I don't think I could think of any to better them :-)
As for going on the ecstacy trial...I was reading up about it and apparently I would have to take so much to get rid of the cancer that it would kill me.....don't think my lovely consultant would thank me for that as he spent so much time on his "Lady of Mysteries"! (his nickname for me as if there was a problem I would find it)
An example......
I have not told you of the occasion when I had a nurse with her hand under a sheet with her fingers in my groin! Not a case of abuse, me causing problems yet again.....
I had gone into hospital for a 4 hour procedure to harvest my stem cells, but ended up there 4 days! They could not find a vein to place a canula, so had to have a line put in my groin. I had to lie still for hours as the slightest movement meant that it stopped working. All went well until the nurse asked if I needed the loo.....well once the idea is there little ol' bladder decides "Oh yeah".
I was carefully manoevred into the loo still linked up to machine, did the necessary, then climbed back on the bed. I spread my legs in what I thought was the same position, but nothing was happening. Nurse tried to manoevre my legs, but the only thing that worked was if she put her fingers in my groin where the canula had been put! Good job that I don't embarrass that easily. Poor woman was stuck there for an hour!
This was not the end of the adventure as it had started to snow, and the traffic was at a standstill. They bagged up my donation and put it in freezer box and a nice man on a motorbike was on standby to take it to the QE in B'ham. Unfortunately the next day and the day after they had to go through the procedure again (but managed without the finger in the groin !) to make certain that they had enough stem cells.
As for bagging the sofa....I think I would have to pass on that as I am in remission :-D, although I am still getting the head on one side "You look really well....no, you really do!" Aaaargh!
Till next time
Keep laughing xxx
Glad you enjoyed the cards.. want to buy some? I'm a bit short of cash now I am orange jacketed! (see blog)
Looks like we will all end up on the floor now as none of us want to claim the sofa ha ha so seems like there is room for you all after all hoorah!!
Hurry up and come over now... or I'll be back before you.... and we are getting through the cocktails....
Little Myxxx
ps also glad to see I am not the only one who has their groin attended to by medical people... GC complimented me on having a nice one haha (I think he was referring to the state of lymph nodes but I'm happy to take the compliment of nice groin!) how about you? Mind you, after an hour, I bet they weren't so fond...
I would love to come and join you in Sweden but my passport has expired :-( I would happily play a careers cancer card for a spot on the sofa. I have a bad back and the floor would finish me off. Also not sure that hubby would approve of me abandening him and would need to bring the kids as otherwise I think they might burn down the house in my absence.
I need a card for "Please look after the kids and hubby, I'm off out" put not sure who I could play it to.
Love the cards anyway. I need one for "He looks so well though." Well yeah he would he is high on steriods.
Look if the sofa is available i'll sit on it. - sod the "polite" people - I'm bloody exhausted being "nice"...how much are the ICFSWCBMSTcards? I'll take the lot!!
How is Sweden - is it how you remember it? Or should you have saved money and gone to IKEA in Braehead?
sue, you could always use the STAYGAS card.... but I will add it to my brouchure...
Just pin the card to the front door, take the I get my own way card to the airport and sod the passport- you need a holiday. They are not going to refuse you with the cards now are they?
Jinty- about time we stopped being so polite eh? I'll budge up for you.. squash in - actually you don't need to squash- just you and me- the rest of them are on the floor or on a bed or nails or whatever floats their boat....
BMST cards are on special offer so I'll send you a pile!
That was my brother's suggestion to say to people when they do the head tilting "Is there anything I can do?"
'Buy me shiny things...' try it! I dare you all....
Actually we could all do that... go to Ikea, pile on a big sofa with vodka from the food shop... no difference from here really! Shall we?
Little My xxx
ps Wing Commander John did some great cards, but being a bloke and having so sense of direction ;-) he left them on my blog. If he doesn't paste them over here, go and have a look over there for them....
Whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.
We’re here to provide physical, financial and emotional support.
© Macmillan Cancer Support 2025 © Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). Also operating in Northern Ireland. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2400969. Isle of Man company number 4694F. Registered office: 3rd Floor, Bronze Building, The Forge, 105 Sumner Street, London, SE1 9HZ. VAT no: 668265007