Welcome to Warped.
I wanted to come back in time and explain something as it doesn't make sense otherwise...(though not much of this thread makes sense anyway) I set up this thread as explained below with a lovely dear lady called Sunny Leith. We had a lot of chat on here and the silliness got me and her and lots of others through some hard times. Sunny left the site when there was some criticism of warped and she deleted all her posts when she left. That is why it doesn't make sense to start with as all her posts are missing and it is a bit of a one sided conversation.... Enjoy it all the same...
Hi there,
This is a follow on from the 'dumb things people say' recent thread that is moving here with a health warning!
If you are feeling sensitive please don't read this thread as you may feel offended.... and we need a place to say what we need to say without worrying about offending people so you have been warned!!!!
This is for those of us who cope by being irreverent and silly and able to laugh at all the bad stuff. If you want to get the idea, read the last few pages of dumb things people say, I might see if I can cut and paste a few over to get us going....
In the meantime,
Sunny, you had me laughing my head off this morning with that image of you sitting there in your underwear, chocolate mouth etc!! I think it would have been hilarious if you had answered the door and invited them in.... they certainly would have needed oxygen by the time they got back down the speed they would have run away....!
Magel, how do they find us?? I live up a very steep hill in a very remote area and they made it up the hill to us too..... mind you, they were so out of breath they couldn't speak... almost felt sorry for them!
Can't remember what else we were on about as I can't see the last post anymore but lets continue here with the laughs and anyone new, feel free to join in.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Little My x
Tim, you made me snigger there with your 2 lines with your 2 lines. Easily amused I know.
Oh you lot would be proud of me today... I was meant to be observing at proper school today. I forgot when I got up this morning so turned up in my jeans and wooly boots etc. The teacher there had forgotten we had changed the time and he had gone to a meeting so I said Oh never mind, I'll come back next week instead....
So, it was 1.30pm. I could go back to school and do stuff or I could pretend I was at proper school and run away and have fun.
I ran away. I went to the health club, had a little swim (only little cos a bit breathless due to my cold) sat in steamroom for ages and the heated beds and the outside spa pool in the sunshine, got changed and went to school for the after school meeting. Told them I had had to wait ages for him to find out he couldn't do it, and that I had been back for ages in my balloon hut Hahahaaaaa. Good job I had my invincibles on cos my pants would have caught fire otherwise... :D ffffffwhumppphhhhhh
So, now sitting looking at 2 bottles that P so sweetly washed out for me one big one small and drinking lots of tea so I can attempt to do a wee in a bottle for tomorrow. Not sure I want to use my big saucepan to wee into, but the way it goes everywhere these days, and I mean everywhere, I think I have no option... jug too small and no funnel to hand. Why do they make it so difficult?
Anyway, off for my pre op check up at lunchtime tomorrow. I guess it will be ok. It is next week I am worrying about as that is GC day and my arse is aching just like it used to do with Hefty in there. Enough of that anyway....
Ruby, we are all with you holding your hand and pulling faces behind you so you can go anywhere cos you are never alone....
Ems, I hope you have come round from your drugged up dentistry
Hilary, big hug cos of scary ops and that
Tim, one out one in by the sound of it... can't you go first she says hiding behind the bin??? I know its ladies first but this time... go on! Go first...
Odin, I have the invitation to the poobaggers picnic so you can still go if you want... haha Or maybe I won't get my op or end up with a permanant poobag when I wake up (which is apparently something that might happen) so all is not lost yet for coffee mornings.
Culotte, hope the RT hasn't fried you too much yet... snooze away.
Cruton, get that bin serviced and revved up etc eh? Cos I don't want to be in hossie so will need rescuing pretty darn quick I reckon. And we can do a detour and get ems too....
Oh I wish I hadn't started naming everyone cos I now feel i can't stop without saying something about all of you but my arms hurt. and I forgot what some of you said now Dman you chemo brain... or even damn you... Love to the rest of you and you'll be top of the list next time....
I seem to remember Odin saying I was boring though.... harumph. He'll get more than a coffee if I take him to a poobaggers picnic I can tell you....!
Oh!!! Boss told me today that he told the governors that there was only one teacher who was any good in my area of the school and that was me! :) We should get rid of the rest he said (NH, mrs etc hahaaaaaaa get in !!!!) he told me to hang on in there cos he was trying to make changes for the good and needed me there :) :) :)
So, better get better eh? Oh and perhaps we need a bye to baggy party eh? I am sure Hilary can supply the music... Jan can do the booze, oh hang on she's drunk it... Stinker, any of that coffee left? Not the yuky one...
I had to laugh today cos Hilary is scared of getting a poobag and I am scared of not having one... well, it made me laugh anyway... please yourselves :)
Its Saint David's day so Welsh Viking cwtches to you all
Little My xxx
Yes to skiving off and going to do NICE things for YOURSELF :))) Highly approved of that news! And VERY pleased with boss' announcement :) haha!
I am a bit woozy but otherwise ok... just keep taking the tablets is my motto for this evening! Left a rant in The Room about my dentist............ as I sat in the chair I just repeated a little mantra ..."nothings as bad as bone marroow biopsy "....... hahahaha!!
Boring?? You?? Now that is one adjective I could not apply to you!! :)) Bonkers, loving, gerenous, hysterical, nutbag, clever and kind, but not boring ;-)
Deri looked rather gorgeous at her St Davids Day Eisteddfod this morning! Awww.................
Love n Hugs to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm feeling more like myself tonight thanks to you lovely lot, making me laugh and basically we are all bonkers but I wouldn't have it any other way and as for you all sitting in the car with me well that would be hilarious, even more so if you were all wearing womble pants and coloured socks!!!!!!!!
Hope dentist was not too bad and keep taking the tablets Ems, I wonder if LM has managed to piss in her pot yet.
Tim, my feathered friend you made me really laugh today so I thank you a lot xx
Hils life for you does sound shit but you have a wicked sense of humour and thats what matters.
Odin I will pass on that hug to my wee yeti and checking out your sons photo's. I really wish we could have a real coffee morning, can you picture it???
Well my bed time now as I don't normally post at night and I am missing Keith Lemon.
Think your all BANGTIDY xxxxx
Just nipped in to say 3 things:
There are now 23 followers which is a bit weird cos there must be loads of people just reading this drivel without ever posting on here..... HIyah!! I say come out come out wherever you are and stop sniggering out the back...
Ems you are too kind :)
(I'm going to see ems for coffee after my assessment heheeee. and I wish more of you lived closer so we could all meet up)
Ruby, I have my womble pants at the ready and hope you've got a big car cos sitting on me can get messy haha. Oh and I have spare pairs of invincibles too and maybe you need a pair cos then you would be invincible and could do scary stuff... oh and wherever you are, there is a Little My right behind you in a pair of womble pants sniggering and cheering you on so you will be ok....
And YES! I have done my wee and its in a pot and in my bag ready for tomorrow.
It was sort of luminous.... hmmmm
I must stop drinking glow in the dark stars before I go to bed....
My bed time too.
Nos da as ems would say, night night and sov gott
Little Myxxx
ps Hilary is well and truely trouncing me at wwf. I am not a happy bunny
Hi lovely warped warpies,
Tom has a job woooooooooooooooo!!!!! So happy :)
Collected our new car last night - it was Tom's sister husband's mum's car - a lovely little Toyota Yaris. Its not quite as powerful as Tom's car but its super clean hehe He says I have to scrub his car now so that its just as nice. Although he's also demanding a BMW hahaha
Been trying to catch up on whats been going on. What's this about Odin having a serpent??
Tim - that's great news that your nodes haven't grown. That's service for you, getting a hair cut at the hospital. Aw is your daughter going to her prom soon? Hope she has fun! And she's going to see One Direction?? One of them is from the village we used to live in and we saw him in the pub on Xmas eve (I'm not obsessed - by my friend Vicky is a little and went running after him with a camera!) Good luck for 22nd March!!!!! How is your friend getting on with his treatment for testicular cancer? I hope he gets on as well as Tom has (apart from the blood clot, wouldn't wish that on anyone)
Lots of love and hugs to Jules
People are all talking about Chester - we live near Chester, and my lovely bonkers friend Ellie lives in Chester :)
Louise can't believe your little man was sick down your back!! So nice that he's smiling! I went to see my sis and baby on Saturday and when I told Alissia that her Uncle Robert would be coming to visit from Prague soon she smiled! It was so sweet! Ok I've gone soppy too now...
Jan how exciting that your daughter is looking at houses!! Tom and I bought our first house right before the housing crash so managed to get a really good mortgage thankfully... we've sold that one and moved into the one we're in now. It needs so much doing to it, but we've sort of lost steam! Have you had a nosey of the house then? What's it like? I'm a bit house obsessed sorry!!
I was so completely not with it on Monday, I kept getting my words all muddled up and then when we decided to get a chinese takeaway (naughty I know) I nearly tipped our drinks into the containers instead of cups!! Then later on Tom wanted me to cut his hair cos he had his interview on Tuesday evening, I got the giggles cos he said not to cut his ears off accidentally!!! FYI I was very good and didn't cut anything I should have
Odin - how was your son's exhibition??
LM - did you really skin a rabbit?? Hope you had a great time :) And a bath when you got back hehe. Hope your cold has gone. A warped ward sounds like a good idea to me, as long as you let Tom in :) Not sure he's quite as warped as me. Good luck with your pre-op check up today!!! And well done for being the best teacher in your area of the school :)
Ruby - Hope yeti's chest infection goes away. have you suggested to your family about moving? What do they think? I think you have what it takes to overcome your panic too hun. I like Odin's idea that we are all in the back seat, but not being a distraction obviously :) Happy birthday to your dog for yesterday!
Respect, why did your step son watch you how to empty the loo and not offer to do it for you?? boys!
Culottes - hows your radiotherapy been going? Hope the journey hasn't been too awful. Good luck, keeping all appendages crossed for you hun
Ems - Hurrah for 13th!
Cruton I volunteer to help with any resuce missions with the bin
Sorry if I've missed anyone, love and hugs and spoons to all!!!!!! (And an extra big hug for Hils)
Clairlybel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ahem, you missed another mad cat lady... me!!!
I want him, I want him, I want him... Can I have him now??? He looks like a toy cat... And of course he can join us here... I expect erudite posts from him.
Yes, I did skin a rabbit! And I ate it in a stew later. It felt better doing that with some care and feeling for the animal than buying a packet from the supermarket. Part of the week really... confronting things.
Anyway, I got through the pre op hahaaaa so only GC stands in my way now.. and if I bribe him with Rolos, he'll not find anything I am sure! blogged about it so not going to write about it here.
Hugs all round
Little My xxx
OMG Ruby!
Is it my laptop screen or is Frank a Terminator cat? Just look at those eyes!!!!! Glad I made you laugh, I guess I'm a bit of cheeky lad, but never meaning to offend anyone, just like a laugh and joke.
Well done LM on your pre-op, will go and read your bummer post, though it is so long by the time I get to the end I will have forgotten the first half, that damn memory!
Clairelybel thanks for asking about my mate, he's had a bit of bad news in that he has 2 enlarged nodes that are situated somewhere up by the ribs, he's going to have to endure a 5 to 6 hour to remove them, and have a big open wound. They are hard to get to apprently. He's got a good sense of humour and whilst he has some tricky days we're very alike and both like fishing so we help each other out.
Had a night out with work friends last night at an all you can eat Chinese. I had a really good laugh and some nice Tiger beer which amazingly baggy approved of, but my head didn't.
It is lovely here today, and I've seen a ladybird and a butterfly today. Forecast tomorrow is lots of wind and rain, not so nice for fishing, and not nice for butterflies.
Tight lines
Tim xxx
Hey its all quiet over here! Hiiiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaah!
How you all doing?
I didn't stop today. I've got someone in to cover my lessons for when I have my op, and ended up spending most of the day showing him where stuff is and talking about the class etc... knackered now! Baggy has been farting really loudly all day... I'm going to miss that in some ways! esp after the nurse's comment of saying your bum won't be able to tell a fart from a poo haha.
One for Tim in response to his gravy comment...
Friendship is like incontinence.
Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth.
Boom boom!
Hugs all round
Little My x
ps we now have 24 followers. !?! Wonder who they all are.... I'd love it if there are people sniggering out the back to pop in and say Hi.... we don't bite most days :)
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