
  • 14 replies
  • 16 subscribers

I've been looking around this Macmillan site and noticed so many people mention a period of waiting; for test results, for decisions by their team, for the next test to be assigned.

People speak about being terrified, unable to sleep, unable to eat or drink, being impatient and nervous. 

All, in my opinion, totally understandable and very human.

I wondered if the community can come up with practical ideas on how to deal with these necessary times of waiting. 

So I throw this open, though I have some tried and tested ideas of my own. We are all individuals and what works for one may, or may not, work for another! With good will and creativity, maybe amongst the ideas will be something to ease your time of waiting. 

  • Acknowledge your Feelings

    Don’t try to ignore the way you feel, as this can actually increase your anxiety. Instead, recognise and even embrace your anxiety. This first step empowers you to take action, move forward and manage your emotions, helping you find peace and feel more in control of your own life.

    Talk about It to the Right People

    Venting your fears and frustrations to people close to you can be a wonderful way to release stress and gain vital support. However, if you have folks in your life who tend to exacerbate your worries or load you up with even more concerns (and really, who doesn’t have that one friend or family member?), avoid sharing too much with them.

    Practice Mindful Living

    Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Look for ways to live in the moment. Hug your little boy and inhale deeply, noting the mingled fragrance of fresh earth and shampoo. Stroke your husband’s face and think about the way his soft stubble brushes your hand. Savour a particularly flavourful meal. Relish in the here and now.

    Distract Yourself

    Find ways to take your mind off the upcoming scan, at least for a while. Dig into a novel or binge watch a series that completely engrosses you. Turn up your favourite music and tackle a chore you’ve been putting off for too long. Hang out with that one friend who has a gift for making you laugh. Schedule some time to enjoy your favourite hobby without interruption. If you have trouble letting go, imagine setting your worries in a “to do later” box and tell yourself you can pick them up when you’re done.

    Ask Questions

    Sometimes, the unknown is the greatest instigator of anxiety. If you are unclear about anything – from what to expect during the journey, to when and how you can expect to receive your results, to what those results might mean - don’t be afraid to ask your doctor. Having a well-defined understanding of what you will or might experience allows you to be better prepared and can even ease your mind - knowledge is power.

    Plan for the Worst Outcome…

    Along with knowing what could possibly come of your results, creating a strategy for the worst case scenario can improve your sense of control. By no means should this be perceived as giving up or being resigning yourself to bad news. Cancer can make you feel powerless, but creating a basic action plan just in case can help  you regain your power as well as your optimism.

    but Visualise the Best

    Your mind is more powerful than you might realise. Visualisation and guided imagery have been shown to improve your mood, control symptoms or side effects and even boost your immune system. Imagine yourself receiving great news after your scan. Allow yourself to experience the feelings of relief, gratitude and elation. Think about these things as though you are remembering them. Seeing it in your mind’s eye can give you the encouragement you need to overcome your anxiety.

    Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength - carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength (Corrie Ten Boom)

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks Highlander. 

    I like that you put this at the top of your list: 

    "Acknowledge your Feelings

    Don’t try to ignore the way you feel, as this can actually increase your anxiety. Instead, recognise and even embrace your anxiety."

    Seeing the root of anxiety seems pretty basic to me. I think many, if not most, people are afraid of death. So along with this acknowledgement I would say it is time to evaluate your worldview. by worldview I mean your values, your understanding of the world from the viewpoint of those personal values. Have you worked out your personal philosophy?

    Acknowledgement of your feelings could lead you into good paths. 

    This could include Talking to the Right People, Asking Questions and Distracting yourself by reading a fascinating book, like those by Corrie Ten Boom, mentioned above.

  • Hi Diota,I’m waiting for scan results at the moment.My way of coping is by distraction and keeping busy.I’m a keen genealogist and that is good for taking my mind off worries.I sometimes tackle chores I have been putting off,today it was weeding.Best wishes Jane 

  • "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom is an interesting book. I mention it as Highlander included a quote from her. 

    Tried unsuccessfully to upload a photo of the book. Confused

  • Hello  

    Further to that super reply from Mike  I along with other Community Members and some of the Macmillan staff are almost at the end of a project called "The Lived Experience".

    The project should go live later this year whereby we hope to have advice from those who have "been there - got the T-Shirt" about how to navigate your personal cancer journey and how to advocate for yourself to avoid delays and anxiety as your cancer journey progresses.

    I know it's only a small step towards helping people but we hope it will inspire folk to take charge of their personal journey with signposting to sources of help along the way.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Some great tips here,thank you.Jane

  • Distraction is such a useful ploy! 

    It's too cold where I am to be outside, weeding. I love reading for distraction, much warmer at this time of year. Funny books, like those by P G Wodehouse, for example. 

    Thing is, test results won't change because we worry. The situation is as it is. 

    As Highlander points out, planning for the worst can often be helpful. It kind of solidifies the issue rather than it floating about in an unformed chaotic miasma

  • There we are then! I've only been wandering around the forums for a couple of days and saw this need. I'm sure the Lived Experience project will be hugely popular and helpful. 

  • I love reading too.I feel fortunate to have interests that do help.

  • Hi Diota, agree the waiting can be difficult and challenging for many, although after chatting on here and with friends and family I have decided to carry on with my life as normal where possible. Obviously not everybody is mentally and/or physically able to do this but i have to keep my mind and body occupied otherwise I slip into a deep black hole. I have taken to walking most days, two sweatshirts, fleece, wooly hat and gloves help me keep warm but a change of scenery and the physical aspects raises my spirits and I sleep when I get back. Hope this helpsSmile