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Has anyone encountered any UK doctors who are prepared to countenance / discuss the use of repurposed drugs (i.e. drugs that have medical authorisation for treating other conditions and may or may not be off-patent) for cancer treatments?   I have a close relation for whom the NHS has basically said "that's it; you are too frail for chemo so all we can do is palliative."  My own research (I am a professional researcher, but not normally in this field) indicates that several repurposed drugs might be worth exploring, but I need to find professionals who are open to the conversation.  And fast.

I am thinking of medical professionals, working either in the NHS or privately, within government guidelines    not anything more "offbeat."  But the nature of this path, i.e. finding things that might be much cheaper than the new drugs that the pharma companies want to sell, may make it hard for professionals to speak out publicly.

I am NOT looking to discuss individual treatments and repurposed drugs themselves, here; rather I am looking for ways to contact doctors and researchers who believe they are an avenue worth exploring.  The topic has become a little bit polarised in recent months because of one drug in particular, used for something else, and I do not want to the discussion to head down that rabbit hole...