Two failed lumpectomy now mastectomy

  • 6 replies
  • 18 subscribers
  1. Hello there. Iv had two failed margins with lumpectomy now have been advised about mastectomy so I’m booked in for 14th Feb. Just gutted as they said no reconstruction for a year as need radiotherapy also. Hate the thought of no breast for that long :/
  • I really feel for you. I asked for a mastectomy when they offered a lumpectomy (2 lumps) - they said id have had to go back like you if id opted for lumpectomy as there was a lot of pre cancerous cells between the lumps in the pathology. But i had to go back to have sentinel node clearance so i know that knock of yes its done only to have to return.

    Im coping suprisingly well mentally with being lob sided, i have 6 free councelling sessions so hoping they will help me further, id have prefered both off but nhs wont stretch to removing healthy breast obvs, I wont be going for a reconstruction but everyone is different. Jumpers and scarves help now and summer will be a learning curve. Im 46. Chemo ahead for me so Im going to have to accept my shitty looks. I want to live, they can take my left leg if it helps. 

    Ninsim Heart

  • I wanted a mastectomy first off but it was small apparently then second time said only but more. Then to be told much bigger so need one now. I’m worried about no breast for a year as I’m DD so defo want a reconstruction when I can. Wanted it at same time but I need radiotherapy. Glad I had full clearance on first op so just mastectomy left now I hope :). Good luck with chemo ninsim x

  • The mastectomy i found easier to move and less painful than this clearance. Your year will pass,you'll get there. 

    Ninsim Heart

  • Yeh I had trouble with my full axillary clearance had to have it drained twice. Hope you recover well hun and thank you x

  • Probably a bit late to comment but hope everything went well with the mastectomy. I had 2 x lumpectomy which didn't clear the margins so opted for mastectomy rather than to keep chipping away at it! I'm a 36G so very lopsided but my prosthetic is good and I'm used to it now. I'm happy to leave it that way currently, especially after having gone through a lot of surgery already and not really liking the sound of any of the reconstruction options. I was offered reconstruction at the same time but didn't see the point as the radiotherapy could damage it. Hope you are doing well x