New DCIS diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi, am still in shock to have received a DCIS diagnosis, following a swollen gland in response to a covid booster - but the problem showed by chance the other side. I’m 43 and had no symptoms other than maybe sweating, which i had attributed to anything but this. Booked in for surgery within two weeks of diagnosis and starting radiotherapy after that. Scared, bewildered and anxious, all being made worse by covid restrictions. Down for lumpectomy and Licap flap reconstruction, never had surgery before. Literally petrified. Lucky to be able to access private medical through work but this all started within NHS mammograms, biopsy and results. Breast care nurses and teams phenomenal. Would love to hear from anyone else who has been through this. Learning a lot rapidly, know I’m looking for clean margins and recovery from surgery first. 

  • Hi and welcome to the forum. Getting a cancer diagnosis is scary and takes a bit of time to get used to.

    I had some DCIS as well as a tumour and like you my treatment was lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy.  No lymph nodes involved so no chemo thankfully.

    Surgery was fine, make sure you ask for pain meds if you are in pain afterwards and definitely make sure you do then arm exercises you will get given.  Do them daily and unless it says otherwise in the instructions (don't think it does) do them more than once a day that way you went get cording and you will get full range of motion back quickly.

    Get yourself a post surgery bra to wear and take in front fastening top as getting tops over your head might be difficult for the first few days or more - we all heal differently.

    If you have any more questions just ask.

    Also you will probably get replies from other ladies if you post on the main breast cancer forum CLICK HERE as that one is quite busy whereas this one is usually very quiet.  

    Hope all goes well with getting clear margins first time round.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I’m very grateful. I will post to the other forum too as you recommended. So many questions and so little time before being booked into surgery. I can’t work out any other way through it other than they have to sort it out via surgery. The Licap seems a reasonable approach in view of where the DCIS is, on the outer upper quarter upper. The radiotherapy I think I will get to grips with after the surgery. Apart from that I’m just trying to get everything synced. Thank you again. x

  • Try to take it one day at a time  as it’s easy to get overwhelmed with it all.  The surgery is nothing to fear and neither is the radiotherapy.  I had slightly pink and warm skin from radiotherapy and tiredness.  The tiredness took a few months to wear off but it did.

    Its normal to worry but one day at a time and you will soon be out the other end of this.