Lung CT post treatment

  • 1 reply
  • 16 subscribers

Hi all,

Following treatment (chemo, surgery, radiotherapy) I was diagnosed with pneumonitis in December 2024. This was treated with steroids and I recently had a follow up CT scan to check it had cleared. 

The inflammation had gone but there is now a small mass in the lung (this is the one which the radiotherapy was over). They have planned another CT next month and I am trying to be rational that it was caused by treatment but can’t help but feel worried that it is something more scary!

Have any of you experienced something similar?

  • Hello Loupdragon

    I am sorry to hear that you have had pneumonitis in December after going through so much treatment. 

    I can understand that it is concerning to hear that there is a small mass in your lung after your last CT. It sounds like they are being really thorough in arranging another scan next month to see whether there is any change. 

    I know after treatment for my own cancer it is always worrying where there are any symptoms or concerns that might indicate a problem. My own cancer was endometrial and I had chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Both have left me with lingering effects and sometimes it can be hard to work out what would be caused by the treatment and what is a cause for concern. I have been lucky in having a really supportive CNS who I could talk things through with. Have you got a nurse specialist that you can talk to? Sometimes it can help.

    We do have the Support Line available so it may help to give it a call and talk this through with one of the nurses. 

    I hope that your next scan is reassuring but in the meantime we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm