Confused by results after ultra sound

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers

Hello everyone,

Apologies if it's wrong to post this question but I can't get it out of my mind. I'm 32 and my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35 dying at 42.

I found a small lump in my left breast it's felt smooth and was slightly movable. Dr sent me to breast clinic. Male Dr was very abrupt after initial physical exam and tried to instantly dismiss me and muttered something about fatty tissue. He tried to send me home without an ultra sound but I begged the lady on reception to help as I was so worried.

I had my ultrasound and it took like what felt like about 1minute the radiologist just again said it's just fatty something I didn't quite catch any of this. But was told not to worry and sent home. The letter I later received stated ''possibility of fibrogladular OR fibrofatty tissue. Ultra sound normal' 

Because it all felt so rushed and I didn't get it explained and wasn't able to understand I've been left a bit confused by it all and generally worry that it could be bad. 

I was hoping someone might be in a similar position or able to explain it to me slightly. As this was Dec 2023 and the lump is still there still the same shape ect. I know I should just trust the people that were there doing there jobs I just felt leaving very unassured and I can't get it out of my head. 

I know this probably sounds a bit mad. Hope anyone can help.

G x

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you've been left confused by your results.

    Probably the best person to explain what they mean to you would be your GP. You could give your practice a call when they open tomorrow morning and ask if your GP could ring you to explain what the results of your ultrasound and examination mean and if anything further needs to be done. You could also mention that your lump is still there and it's concerning you.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on.

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