Question about the Look Good Feel Better courses

  • 9 replies
  • 19 subscribers


I'm very newly diagnosed (1/12/23) and heard yesterday about the Look Good Feel Better online workshops which sound amazing.

It says you can do the courses any time from diagnosis.

However I'm wondering if it's better to do the courses before I start treatment or to wait until I have started treatment?  

I'd like to do these workshops:-

  • in person skin and makeup workshop,  
  • Hair; Hair Loss; Hair Care; Wigs; Re-growth; Scalp Care (virtual only) 
  •  Hands; Nail Care (virtual only)

Any advice would be really appreciated.   

Thank you Slight smile

  • Hi   I have done all 3 of these courses. I would recommend doing the nails one before you start as it gives you tips on how to care from them whilst doing chemo.

    with the other 2 it’s a personal preference. I did the makeup one when I had no eyebrows and they taught me how to draw them on which I found invaluable. You also get a huge bag full of makeup and creams!
    the hair and wigs one teaches you how to tie scarves, wear wigs etc so if you want help for when or if (depends if you’re cold capping or not) you lose your hair, you might find before or at the beginning might be helpful! 

    they’re really good courses so enjoy! 

  • Hi  thank you do much for getting back to me.  That's really helpful advice.  Sparkling heart  I'll book the nails and hair ASAP and wait for the makeup one.  Thank you xxx 

  •   Just another quick question from me!   I hope you don't mind.  If I book a place on an online course but I end up having chemo or poorly on that day am I able to change the date or do we lose it? The next nail course is early January and I know I'll have started treatment by then but not sure if to book it yet or not.   xx 

  • Hi   ask any questions you want! You can cancel the courses and rebook them, they’re really flexible as a lot of people on them are going through chemo too. They usually ask you a few days before if you’re def attending as well. 

  • Thanks   for asking this question. I've looked at these courses, just preparing as I'm waiting results. Trying to find some control I think in a very uncontrolable time. Thanks  for your useful reply too x

    Ninsim Heart️

  • Ah thank you Sparkling heart thatscreally helpful to know  xx

  • Hi   I totally can relate to that.  Being able to plan things is definitely helping to give a feeling of control during a time when we don't have too much.  Wishing you all the best with your results and recovery xx 

  • Hi  just youtube searching and came accross the look good feel better youtube channel, loads of videos on there to help us-

    Hope we both get through 2024 with all the oomph and pizzazz that we have to give it.

    Have watched Top Gun Maveick tonight and now Rick Astley is blaring here at the moment! X

    Ninsim Heart️

  • Hi   ooohhh thank you for the link.  I'll look forward to having a look. Slight smile

    And thank you. We certainly will get through 2024 and next NYE we'll be able to look back and say it we got through it.  Sparkling heart

    We watched Big, Bridesmaids and then Rick Astley last night too.  Ate lots of cheese!  I'm going to watch Joules Holland's Hootananny today as my parter hates it so I always record it and watch it new years day   Joy
