Ascites from breast cancer

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  • 20 subscribers

Hello in june 2020 i started complainig of severe abdominal pain with coffee ground vomiting then in august 2020 i was diagnosed with ascites from breast cancer peritoneal carcinomatisis. I did paracentesis and took zoladex only and the ascites never recurred till 2 months ago. I did paracentesis a month ago and did ct scan the next day. Then a month later the ascites recurred. Maybe the CT scan i did after the paracentesis worsened my ascites? Does scans worsen ascites? I started tamoxifen on friday. When will it start working? I am waiting for paracentesis again and worried that the ascites will come back quicker.

  • Hi Jehad, I don't know the answer to all your questions but maybe the secondary breast cancer forum might be able to help you more. The only thing that I can answer is that a CT scan would not worsen your ascites. Ascites will recur as it is caused by the cancer in the peritoneal area. But it sounds as though your oncologist is giving you tamoxifen to settle your peritoneal carcinomatosis down. I'd be hopeful that the tamoxifen will help you.