So lost & confused

  • 4 replies
  • 17 subscribers


Is there anyone like me , 36 due to be 37 ,

Ive had my surgery for my lump which turned out to be a grade 3 , stage 1 , Hertz 2 negative but hormone receptive all was removed in surgery.

I feel lost , partly because I'm hormonal right now ( periods) Ive not  started any treatment, I've hardly got a social group , most people around me have children,I feel like I'm just the only one like this.

Waiting to be referred to fertility clinic with my boyfriend to learn more about it .

I've got no timeline of meds ,or how long any treatment will take.

I think I'm hoping to get this answer this week commencing.

No idea if I can even have children given in hormone receptive.

I'm just duno how to deal with it all.

I'm stumped with everything.

Is their anyone who has started this journey or further on that have experienced similar? 



  • Hi  I am a bit older than you so I don't have the same challenges but I noticed your post hasn’t had any replies yet, so my answer will bump you back up to the top of the group chat and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon.   I hope you get some answers this week about the next steps for wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Etna

    you will most likely be given hormone therapy but a close friend of mine was in your situation and was allowed to take a break from the hormone tablets for a time to try to conceive (which she did) and then has to go back on them after giving birth. I’m not a medical professional, but I believe this is an option if you’re stage 1. 

    good luck 

  • Hi thanks ,this was mentioned to me , I got to go to fertility today managed to get an appointment.

    I have a stress headache it hurts.

    My ultimate concern is being both positive in my  hormone( receptive )is is dangerous to try for a baby.

    The care nurse said there is a risk. 

    I've like a few weeks to make a decision not even that, my onco dx tests are due in this week. 

    My head hurts so much.

  • Let us know how you get on with the onco dx results and good luck. I am sure they will manage you through the fertility issues as safely as they can and fully advise how much risk. Hopefully your score will be low. X