Still have eyelash, eyebrow, patchy hair and periods.. I'm less than one week away from EC round 3

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  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone, I haven't posted much on here but I do read a lot when I need advice but I'm confused as I'm currently due my 3rd EC on Monday and I still have eyebrows, eyelashes, my head is shaved but still patches of hair. I'm still having periods. I'm just confused and worried that chemo not working or I'm overthinking it. Im also worried about the docetaxel I start after EC, some of the side affects are brutal and I'm scared of losing my nails and being in pain with bones.

I'm 41 (42 in 3 weeks) had a left side mastectomy in September then started chemo November. 

I had big beautiful blonde hair that I curled, I put gel on my nails and generally liked to look nice (like most ladies)

I coped with losing my boob even though I wasn't ready for how it curves right in my chest, I tell myself losing my hair.. its only hair, but my hair was me! And I still have patches even though it fell out in massive clumps day 14 ish after 1st chemo.

I'm fed up, I had covid over Xmas so was alone and I think the extended journey that is chemo is getting to me.

I'm so sorry I seem so morngy and negative, I've just never felt so unattractive in all my life and now I'm confused still having eyebrows/lashes is chemo not working. 

So sorry to moan ladies, anyone had the same with the hair thing 

Love Emma xx

  • Hi there, it's so normal to feel up and down, I think we all have good and bad days.  Chemo effects us all differently in terms of side effects so I don't think you should worry that it's not working based on your side effects.   Have you tried a wig? I shaved my head after 2nd chemo as I couldn’t cope with the hair loss, but I got a lovely wig, in a blond bob, completely different to GMs usual brown style, and I love it. In fact I feel so good I am really not very happy about my grey hair returning, so that might be worth thinking about.

    I know it's really hard, but try and find some things to do that you enjoy and take your mind off the hair thing xx

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  • My periods stopped after my 4th chemo, I'm really hoping they never return! I had the exact same concerns as you, but my oncologist reassured me that everyone's different is normal!

    My brows & lashes stayed  but have got significantly thinner since radiation treatment.

    My hair is growing back pretty quick, I don't mind it super short but I hate that it's obviously short because I was sick. Hopefully in a month or so I can get some sort of shape to it.