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  • 17 subscribers

Hi! I am new to this group. I was diagnosed with aggressive  cancer in one breast in May.In July I started chemotherapy. I was 15 chemotherapy. I finished  chemotherapy three weeks  ago. I met with the doctor  and doctor said that the good results have cancer is small.But the doctor  said that after the New Year I will be surgery  and take off my breast. I had shocked.  I try not to think about surgery now. After chemotherapy, strength  and energy  must be regained.  Ahead surgery  and radiotherapy. 

  • Hi  it can be a bit of a shock when you are told that you need to have your breast removed.  Lots of ladies have needed this surgery and it's not as bad as it sounds and you should hopefully be able to choose wether you would like a breast reconstruction or wether you would prefer to stay flat.  Your surgeon will discuss this with you at some point.  

    Wishing you all the best with the rest of your treatment.