Sacred and really need to reassurance

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I’m 31 and have been experiencing breast pain for the last 3 or so months on and off. I went to my GP around a month ago who gave me a brief examination and said that it was nothing to worry about as I don’t have any other symptoms. The last week or so I’ve noticed the pain is a little worse and I’m more aware of it. I spoke to my GP again and advised them that I was going to stop taking my contraceptive pill as when reading the leaflet I noticed that breast pain was one of the side effects. My GP advised the pain could take around a month to settle down is it is related to that but has referred me to a breast specialist although she has said she isn’t concerned.

I was told to expect a 6 week wait however I have had a letter come through for an emergency appointment and now I’m beyond scared. The pain seems to vary from stabbing pains/tightness and tenderness. 

has anyone else experienced this and gotten the all clear? 

Any reassurance would be really appreciated 


  • Hi Justme89 welcome to the forum and sorry to hear how worried that you are. I think that whilst it  is scarey for you, your GP has done exactly the right thing  in referring you as that is where the expertise is that you need to get to the bottom of these symptoms for you once and for all.

    There is usually a 2 week wait for any referral to a Breast Clinic but maybe your GP thought that things would be slow to start up again with Covid so I expect that is why the appointment has come through so quickly. This could be absolutely anything if I'm honest and none of us would like to speculate but this could  be a positive outcome for you requiring no further input so hang on to that one rather than the worst. I know that last bit is easier said than done but you are going to the right place to get answers and also re-assurance and I am sure other will be along soon to offer their own experiences. xx


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