Getting through the waiting time

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

 Hi a week before Christmas my husband (46) has been diagnosed with colorectal tumour. I also went to check out a breast lump I had noticed and hoped it was only a cyst but they took it very serious and many biopsies were taken as suspicious things found in both breasts. I have a 3 week wait at least due to covid backlog for these results. Im trying not to let this overwhelm me but it's really hard I have a family history of breast cancer. My son is nearly 17 and daughter 20 and suffers from anxiety and depression.Hoping for support and people who understand what I might be going through en at this stage. How do you get through the waiting, it's so hard?! Wondering how we will cope if both going through surgery and  treatment around the same time...

  • Hi Catherine, so sorry you are going through this and with your husband also going through the same.  

    Getting through the waiting is really tough and the only thing you can really do is try and keep busy even if it's watching TV.  What helped me was posting on this site and reading other people's stories.  

    I'm 51 so I'm usually on the general breast cancer forum which might be a bit more active.  Certainly the AWAKE thread which I relied on a lot is very active and full of lovely ladies at all stages of this process and at all hours of the day quite often - i was chatting to someone at 4am last night.  You can find it in Breast Cancer forum under ongoing discussions - it's usually top of the list.  I was also diagnosed just before Christmas and found the waiting awful but once I was given my plan I felt much better.  Apparently most people feel better once they are given their plan. 

    Hope this helps and you can always message me if you need to.

  • And remember that it might just be benign.  If not it seems like a lot of people do really well with treatment with some of them continuing to work so even if you and your husband end up having surgery and treatment at more or less the same time hopefully you will be able to continue as normal but at a slower pace.  Then hopefully you have friends and family who can also help you.

  • Hi

    I just wanted to add another welcome to the one from Godwilling. I am also a little out of date for this group (I'm 52) but there are no hard and fast rules, only attempts to make people feel comfortable - feel free to post wherever you feel at home. I'd agree with distraction and some of the threads in the main breast cancer group are great for that. The Awake thread that Godwilling mentioned is very popular and often lighthearted. My treatment was a few years ago now but I found this site a great comfort and distraction at the worst times and waiting is probably the worst of all.

    I'm so sorry that you and your husband are both facing treatment and I can understand your anxiety for your children. Macmillan is there for them too, We have a friends and family group here and they can always call the helpline if they need support (0808 808 00 00) and there are other support organisations that have groups for friends and family.

    We are a friendly bunch and here to support you as much as you need!
