Sending my cancer to America for testing

  • 6 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi everyone im

sam I’m 45 and just been diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer not sure of stage yet till after op . They said I may have to have chemotherapy but it’s going to be sent to America my tumor and they will tell if I need chemotherapy anybody else no more about this I’ve cried all night it’s the not knowing xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Sam  /  

    Sorry to see you joining the breast groups, but you will find it was a great move for support and advice, although you will find the Main Breast Group much more active - so dip in and out of both groups...

    Getting a cancer diagnosis is scary enough but with thoughts of maybe facing chemo on top you get a double whammy wobble :-/

    There are loads here who have trod this path and come out the other side with no evidence of disease and if your tissue test deems you need chemo you have to play the hand you get to keep this from recurring at a later date. Think of it as added insurance for your future Thumbsup tone2

    The tissue test you are referring to is probably the Oncotype (info link) and quite a few members have had this to decide if chemo would be of benefit.

    After you have had a look at the link above you type Oncotype into the text search bar at the top of this page (next to the magnifying glass) you will see all the previous posts that mention oncotype if you want to check a few out ?

    Hope this is of some help for now - chemo not usually recommended if your score is anything under 18'ish - So fingers crossed for a low score - do you know when the results will be back ?

    My wife was diagnosed in May 2012 with ER/PR+ & HER2+ BC if you need some reassurance that this is all worth it. You can do this! Rainbow

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    I am 30 was diagnosed in March With breast cancer, and operated on to remove the cancer in April.. they used a sample of the tumour to send away too - it’s called a Prosigna test to find the subtype. From here they’ve seen if chemo works best with the particular sub-type, and it turns out for me it was... currently half way through my 8 Chemo treatments. I was terrified of chemotherapy, but I’m managing. Let me know if I can help or chat with you. Sending love. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sam,

    I am also Sam, i am 29 and was diagnosed in June grade 3 breast cancer. Ive had my op. And have stage 1. I am currently going through chemotherapy, the staff and the other people who are also recieving treatment are wonderful. They offered me bundles of advice on skincare, wigs, head wear such as scarves and hats. The waiting process between the op and further discussions was awful. It makes you on edge. Surround yourself with a good support network who even on your bad days will just sit and be there for you. Its really helped me. Have a list of questions for your doctors  nurses etc. And ofc post on here. We are to support you too.  I invested in a journal to document anything that came to mind but also to document my journey because it helps me to read back and push myself forward aswell. 

    I hope all goes well for you. If you need someone to talk to. We are a click away. Keep smiling, stay positive and stay strong. 

    Sam xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sam, i am 35 and had my surgery almost 4 weeks ago and have been advised this week that mine is going to be sent to America for the oncotype test so they are able to determine whether it will be beneficial for me to have chemo. They said I should get the results in 2 weeks. The wait is awful because I just want to know so I can plan.  Have they advised you when you will get your results? X

  • FormerMember

    Hi I had a double mastectomy in April and had the test to see if I needed chemo. My results took about a month but some of that was covid delay. I tried to see it as a break from people examining me and tests and hospitals! It does play on the mind though but I tried to use the time to research all possible outcomes - not that I’d recommend that but it felt like I was doing something instead of waiting. My score was 10 so no chemo needed. Tamoxifen for 5 years was the outcome. Here if you need to chat x

  • FormerMember

    Hi ,

    How are you? Have you heard anything further about whether you will need chemo? I have an appointment on Friday with my consultant to discuss the results. Xx