
  • 9 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone

I'm booked in for surgery to have a lumpectomy and the nipple removed on Wednesday 1st July and although I know it's a positive thing I am terrified of the surgery and also the pain and discomfort after the operation. Things seem to have just crept up on me so quickly even though I hate having to wait. Any advice / help would help. 

Thanks in advance 

Kim x

  • FormerMember


    I had the same and it wasnt too bad at all. The worst for me was having to sleep on my back which I found difficult as I always sleep on my side. I was back to work after 9 days. Luckily I'm working from home so it's a little easier. I'm waiting now to start radiotherapy.  Had the surgery 12th may. All happened very fast.  Seems very surreal . Good luck with it all.  Louise x 

  • Hi Louise

    Thank you, your email has put me at easy a little.

    Kim x

  • Hi,

    I too was completely terrified, but it really will not be nearly as bad as you think.  I don't think the pain will be nearly as bad as you think it will be.  Your body recovers quicker than you think it will but do be kind to yourself. 

    Very happy to answer any specific questions you might have.  

    Good luck!  

    Sukki xxxx

  • Hi Kim

    Looking back to the 4 weeks before surgery and the endless sleepless nights / nightmares and panic attacks, I never believed I would be sitting at my desk at work 4 months later.

    I have still not started radiotherapy (due to start on Monday 6th July) and face another series of sleepless nights / nightmares ahead of me particularly as a result of the delays in treatment and the consequences that might follow.

    However, I never thought I would make it this far.  My own fears, panic attacks, overstretched imagination, dread, anxiety, violent shaking in anticipation of the worst, was far more toxic / debilitating to me that the operation itself!  

    I was so scared - the anesthetist had to strap my arm down to stop the violent shaking, I even ripped the oxygen mask off with my other hand as I could not breath - BUT I survived it.

    My dread of taking meds did not help and I refused ALL pain medication - surprisingly it was not that painful.

    Kim, I am sure you will be okay but no-one ever understands the gripping fear that you have before surgery.  My husband thought I was neurotic (probably still does) but I felt what I felt and cannot change it.

    It gets easier, a little better, more cope-able as each moment, minute, hour and day passes.  Don't worry about one day at a time, take one hour at a time. 

    I took deep breaths every moment I found myself spiraling towards an anxiety attack.  Slowly took a deep breath expanding my lungs, holding for a couple of seconds, and slowly exhaling until my lungs were empty.  Every breath took my mind off what was happening and calmed my nerves.  It helped for me.

    Good luck


  • Hi Steph

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. It's quite releaving to know that all my freaking out is normal. Good luck with your radiotherapy

    Kim x

  • FormerMember

    Hi ,I have mastectomy on left ,and lumpectomy on right on Wednesday 1 July .Today Sunday and I need talk with anybody. Before was everything ok ,this morning I am crying. Think tomorrow will be better.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi how are you feeling now? I hope you are able to get plenty rest and time to work out your emotions. You have been through a lot and it's natural to feel overcome with emotions.

    Thinking of you, take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks , I am very tired been I “strong women “, little emotions it’s ok.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You will be very tired, natural to have some emotions, remember you don't always have to be a 'strong woman', you are entitled to feel any way which is right for you. Take care of yourself.