Starting to feel better

  • 3 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi all

thought I’d drop in as I’m feeling much better now my chemo is over

i had 4 lots of chemo and was so ill after the fourth dose that my oncologist referred me back to my surgeon and stopped my chemo

so 6 weeks ago I had surgery to remove my breast tumour and I hidden one that had been next to original tumour but wasn’t seen until chemo shrunk the first one by 50% done with 4mm margins and a level 1 clearance of my lymph nodes

when I went back for my wound check surgeon said that there was no nodes in the clearance that they had done!!

1 week later I went back to surgery for full clearance of my lymph nodes (if they found them)

have my wound check and outcome meeting tomorrow 

although I’m in pain from the surgery still I have not felt this good in quite a while

hang in there xx

  • FormerMember


    Been a couple of days so hope your pain has eased a bit and you are recovering from surgery well.

    How did the meeting go ?

    G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Dreamthief 

    they found one node that had some cancer (which was the one we were expecting) 

    now I am waiting to start radiotherapy and because of that one node I will have it from the shoulder down rather than just to the breast 

    how are you getting on xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Only finding the one node affected is good considering - If there is (was) any node involvement it's common to get what they term as a 'boost' rad session to that area.

    We're doing great thanks, was a long time back for J (2012) so we just continue enjoying life post cancer, jogging along and not missing today's sunshine worrying about tomorrow's rain Hugging

    You will probably get a pre-rads assessment appt where you get a few very tiny black dot alignment tattoos and possibly a ct scan; then around a week or so later your rads sessions start.

    There is always the main breast groups monthly Rads Chat discussion you can check out nearer the time as it will be June by then Thumbsup tone1

    Take care, G n' J