
  • 2 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm new to the group Iwas diagnosed only a week ago & I'm booked in to have a full mastecomy of my right breast on Tuesday 12th May. Going through this during lock down is really difficult for me & my family.  I have children that have left home that I cannot physically be with.& a 10 year old daughter who is having to completely self isolate with me & is really struggling. I also feel cheated by this situation as I have only been given one option of a straight forward flat mastecomy as public health England have put a stop to any other type of mastectomy being offered due to the pandemic,  I feel as though I along with others in the same situation are being denied a person centred approach to our care although I do realise this is how it has to be.It would be good to hear from any others in a similar situation to me.

  • FormerMember

    I also had my diagnosis last week and I’m being told no reconstructive surgery also. It’s an awful feeling to know you’re care is being put to the bottom of the pile because of covid. This is decisions and surgery that stay with is for the rest of our lives! 
    I have not made a decision yet as to which surgery to have. Did you have to have the mastectomy or did you choose to? I so why?

  • I was told I needed a mastectomy because of the size & position of the tumour, but I was also told I could only have a straight forward mastectomy which means they can make no provision to save the breast skin or nipple as this is what public health England where enforcing to minimize any complications with the surgery ensuring that I would not need any further surgery in the short term & I do get why it has to be this way, I just feel that we're not being cared for in a person centred way were all possible options would usually be available to us & as you say thease decisions are one's that will affect us for life. However that being said I really just want to survive as I'm sure you do too. I wish you all the luck in the world & I'll let you know how I get on as my surgery is tomorrow. Good luck with yours.
