New and scared

  • 8 replies
  • 15 subscribers


I am 39 and have just been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, it has spread to my lymph glands and the bones of my pelvis  luckily they have still agreed to surgery to remove the breast and lymph nodes (pre op tuesday). My issue is that I am trying so hard not to focus on the fact that it has spread to my pelvis and everyone tells me their stories about people who have had stage 3 (way more.people than I would ever have thought !) and are now fine and it does help a bit but none of them had any spread outside of the lymph nodes. I am not even sure I want know but does anyone have any stories they would be happy to share? 

Thank you

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wave I’m sorry this has happened to you, I think it’s a personal thing , we’re all on our own journey. I’ve not been in your situation other than being diagnosed with cancer Frowning2️shite . It’s very early for you , but you will do it x sorry I’m not much help xx 

    much love  sent Heart

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ya know , if you want to off load I here xx as are we all Heart️ it’s a shite time HeartFrowning2

  • FormerMember


    So sorry to read your story, the under 50s section is rather quiet which you have probably noticed. 

    Try posting your question in the main Breast Cancer Group there are more people who use that and someone will hopefully be along to offer you lots of help and support.

    Take Care

  • Hi Mickeymoo,

    sorry to hear that you sadly have joined our club. It’s never easy and you will go through so many emotions and still when your treatment finishes. I dealt with it day by day and being scared of the unknown and the treatment I just focused on one thing at a time to get through and laugh about things if you can  as that’s the best tonic. I finished my treatment in December and still have fear inside but I try to laugh lots now and enjoy everything in my life now and be as positive as I can be.  Cancer has really affected my family especially my mum  this past year as my aunt her twin sister had liver cancer and passed aug. I had it diagnosed in early aug and now my dad has bladder cancer and all I want to do is drive up there lincs to give him a cuddle .

    Listen stay safe and fight ok never give up! 

    much love to you 

    Netty xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi I was told yesterday I have breast cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes and pelvis awaiting consultant phoning me and, Ppointment with an oncologist all this is new to me too any information would be helpful 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    First Welcome to this amazing community. The community none of us want to be a member of but believe me when i say this is the best place to be in your current situation. The reason i know is because it supported me all the way through my treatment and out the other side. I am now cancer free, so keep positive there are a lot of us.

    Have you had a look round? This section is a bit quiet so please also go have a look in Breast Cancer Group you'll get a quicker response and thats where your new friends are (we're in here too there just aren't as many of us) 

    My advice would be take it one step at a time, don't look too far ahead, so you've had you're diagnosis, next part is finding out your treatment plan. Come and talk to us, there is always someone here who can help offer advice and support. No question is a silly one, i know i asked a few and someone always popped up saying they'd done or felt the same. 

    Its a hard trek but its a doable trek and with us by your side you'll do it.

    Keep in touch we'll help you through xxxx

  • Hi Toetsweet, 

    Being  told that you have cancer has got to be the most scariest thing ever to happen to us but once you have accepted it and it takes time for that you start to become stronger and able to cope with It all. My advice is the same as the script fan to try to deal with it in small steps  as you will be overwhelmed and it is a long journey and fight! Once you have spoken to your oncologist and surgeon on how they plan to treat it you will feel better as you will understand your cancer more. Mine hadn’t spread to my lymph nodes but a lovely friend of mine from work had BC and it spread to her lymph’s and  she is now really well now. She was a rock for me when I had it as she had been through it and knew how I felt. The people on here are really friendly and helpful and use to help me a lot when I was having bad days or I was scared of a upcoming treatment or waiting on test results. This site was like counselling and really helped me too get through my battle so reach out we are all here to support you. 

    I am free of it now after treatment but I am waiting for another operation to my other breast so they will eventually match in size but they like to let you heal properly before they put your body through more trauma. 

    sending you lots of prayers and virtual hugs as it is scary but so achievable to get through it and you will. 

    much love to you! 

    Netty xx