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Hi, I had BC 6 years ago this Summer and it may be because life is usually so busy but it’s only now I am reflecting on the whole change of me. I may have buried my head in the sand and tried to think’it won’t get the better of me/won’t change my life but it has. I have changed for better and for worse. 
I have joined this group as I don’t like talking about the BC to people I know as I feel they think’it was 6 years ago- get over it’ and I don’t want sympathy, just empathetic listening...
I’m not sure how this site and discussion thread works so any techphobia tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 

  • FormerMember


    Pleased to see you found us and typed out your post treatment baggage.

    So many family and friends think that once you finish treatment you bounce back straight away. Some find it easier to shake off the emotional stuff better than others but like you seem to have found, getting your head down and trying to get back to some sort of normality can be a tough task and at some time or other you were bound to hit a wall :-/

    What helped us get our heads around it all was reading a paper by Dr Peter Harvey which I can place below for you to browse through at your leisure. It starts off a bit slow but bear with it as it sums up how most people feel after the storm.

    J was diagnosed in 2012 you can check our profile to see the kitchen sink approach she was given but were lucky enough to find this paper early on and it definitely helped us find and accept the 'new normal'

    Hopefully you will find it helps you as it did us. Just click this coloured text link....

    Take care, G n' J

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