What is it like having chemo in current crisis?

  • 22 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I’ve just had meeting with my oncologist and he said he would have normally suggested 8 doses of chemo, and then radio and then tamoxifen. 
In current climate, he says he would reduce chemo to 4 doses. 
the other option is not to go ahead with the chemo and just take tamoxifen plus an anti hormone injection...think it was called zolidex. As well as Radio.

I think I should probably have the chemo but I’m just wondering if anyone is having at the moment and how has it been? Or is anyone in the same boat and been given this decision? 

I felt so happy that my mastectomy had gone well, and now I feel low again and worried about the future. Such a rollercoaster. X

  • Hi there, 

    I know how your feeling right now. I'm going through the same emotions. I'm waiting for my results after the operation but I'm sure according to my research that I should receive chemo. At the moment they are weighing out the risk of chemo in the current conditions. I know it feels so unfair but the risk of having getting corona is too much possibly. I'd also like to know what others who are about to have treatment have been told. 

    Did your oncologist say what the benificial time range for chemo would be e.g. How many weeks after a lumpectomy or mastectomy should a patient ideally start chemo? It is something I for sure will be asking about. I'm hoping if there is a time frame then hopefully covid should subside in a few weeks.

    Advice... I was in that roller coaster yesterday and boy did I feel like I was in the pits. Today was better as I focused on positivity, thinking that I will take a day at a time in this one. Hope that helps xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jostar

    Hi Jostar,

    thanks so much, one day at a time, today will be better. 

    He said I should start chemo in 3 weeks. He said it’s not beneficial to delay chemo, cos I asked if I could have tamoxifen now and then delay for a bit and he said you have to have the chemo sooner rather than later.

    i guess so much will change in 3 weeks so we’ll just see what happens. 

  • My oncologist is recommending 8 rounds of chemo (4 AC and 4 Docetaxel; ideally sooner rather than later). I'm taking his recommendation seriously but I also keep wondering if it's really the right thing to do in the current situation.

    It's weighing on me because it's hard to get details from anyone to understand what it is about my diagnosis that makes chemo the best option for me right now. After an axillary node clearance in early March, they found 2 out of 22 removed nodes had tumours, with some extranodal extension. I don't know how or if the extranodal extension changes things, or if they think it's ok to do chemo now because I'm not otherwise in any risk categories.

    I'd been on Tamoxifen since 2017 but I guess that didn't work so I'll be on a different endocrine therapy too.

    I can only imagine how hard they're all working to keep things going, so I'm trying to be at peace with the idea that I'll have to make a decision about chemo without knowing all the answers. Maybe that's just how cancer is.

    Rollercoaster is definitely a good word for it! I guess on the bright side I could go through the whole thing while everyone else is still stuck inside too?

  • FormerMember

    Hi R81,

    It seems I`m in a similar situation as you.

    Today I`ve had a telephone conversation with my new oncologist (as the hospital that i originally was going to for chemotherapy closed as of Monday due to staff shortages and they are only doing chemo in the main hospital which is quite a distance away so i asked to be transferred to another closer) and he discussed that chemotherapy in the current situation really needs thinking about and has suggested tamoxifen and ovary suspension injections both for 5 years and radiotherapy (which i would have to go back to the other hospital as they have currently stopped at this new hospital)  or chemo would be 3 weekly EC for 3 cycles then taxol weekly for 9 weeks, or the original hospital was suggesting taxol weekly for 12 weeks then EC for 2 weekly for 4 cycles.

    I`m so confused don`t know what to do any more i keep making a decision then everything changes, also i wanted the cold cap and the oncologist said that only certain hospitals are offering it as they want patients in and out as quick as possible.

    I am fed up of crying and am scared don`t know what to do for the best. x

  • Hi all, 

    Such an uncertain time right? To be honest, it's a roller-coaster that seems a bit unstable. How about getting a second opinion on your chemo? If not possible, then perhaps try to ask for the pros and cons for each chemo scenario. Perhaps you could do this over the phone?

    Also, have any of you enquired about the oncotype test?

    I'm sorry, my advice not mean anything right now as I'm still waiting yo hear about my own chemo situation. But what I will say is that you will definitely feel more in control and at peace with your treatment of you can see the benifit of having it. 


  • Also R81, 

    Please try not to let the uncertainty get to you. I know as that was me 2 days ago, crying and a mess. The whole situation of cancellations, delays and rushing people in and out doesn't really help. But atleast you will get treatment. I promise you it will get better. Yes, it may seem rather unclear at the moment but hand in there and this downhill moment will pass, it will get better. 

    A nurse once told me that after winter there will be Spring meaning that things and situations will change. Also, someone on a forum suggested watching this documentary on Netflix called heal. Do check it out.

    Hope my words have been some source of positivity. Xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    This seems so confusing, poor you. It also seems odd that both hospitals aren’t saying the same thing. I would try and get a second opinion as Jostar says, the two oncologists maybe need to speak to each other and try and find you a clearer route. 
    it’s hard enough having to make the bloody decision of whether to go for it in current climate. 

    I have requested oncotype test, waiting to hear if they can get funding for it. I think I’ll probably pay for it anyway tbh as if there’s even a small chance that it comes back low risk then I won’t need chemo. 

    im also on the hunt for anything that’ll help my white blood cells- diet or immune boosting probiotics. 

    im going to spend the next 3 weeks getting informed as much as possible so I can feel sure that the chemo is the right thing to do. Which as it stands, it is. It increases my chances of the cancer not coming back by more than if I just had tamoxifen and zolidex. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jostar


    thank you lovely, yes I’m trying to be a bit more positive!...I figure that so much has happened so far that there’s no pony worrying until we know more and it’s nearer the time. 

    Hope you’re doing ok x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi All, 

    With the situation changing constantly I can’t keep up with what to do, my first oncologist I spoke to on Friday and the arcing today think they are different due to a change in government protocol, which really doesn’t help.

    i have already had the Oncotype Dx testing and my results were 25 which indicates chemotherapy is beneficial which 12% reoccurrence with hormone treatments in 9 years and with chemotherapy a 6.5% benefit so 5.5% reoccurrence but with the current situation I felt that the oncologist was really worried about the coronavirus situation and told me to really consider all my options....which is what I keep doing and everything changes. I’m totally fed up x  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi All, 

    With the situation changing constantly I can’t keep up with what to do, my first oncologist I spoke to on Friday and the second today think they are different due to a change in government protocol, which really doesn’t help.

    i have already had the Oncotype Dx testing and my results were 25 which indicates chemotherapy is beneficial which 12% reoccurrence with hormone treatments in 9 years and with chemotherapy a 6.5% benefit so 5.5% reoccurrence but with the current situation I felt that the oncologist was really worried about the coronavirus situation and told me to really consider all my options....which is what I keep doing and everything changes. I’m totally fed up x